Monday, August 26, 2019

Customer Service-Dealing with an Angry Customer-discussion Personal Statement

Customer Service-Dealing with an Angry Customer-discussion - Personal Statement Example nt’s view understood, I would then empathize with them, and respectively and understandingly show them that they did not deserve the unpleasant experience. An apology at this point would then show I was genuinely sorry I was that the issue happened, own the issue, and offer to make things right for this customer. I would then offer a solution to the customer’s problem by requesting to know what they believe should be done or offer a fair and realistic solution in a manner that provides satisfaction to the customer. Additionally, I would confidently detail an effort to demonstrate that such a problem would not occur with other customers by seeking for long-lived corrective measures and guarantee the customer that in the event of another issue, there will be someone ready to assist as a way of showing company value for them. Immediately after resolving the situation, I would take time-out for have a snack or tea, since this is a stressful situation despite the fact that I handled it professionally, in preparation for further engagement with

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