Friday, May 31, 2019

Mother Loves Me :: essays papers

Mother Loves MeChildren usually form a powerful and unseparable bond with theirfamily. These aureate angels get all the love and attention they call for.But for children less fortunate, they are also in need of love and care. Forexample, Jerry, a twelve twelvemonth old orphan in the short story A Mother inMannville by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, had experienced his young life withouta family. He was direct to the orphanage at the age of four. However, as hestarted to spend time with the writer who lived in a cabin below themountains, Jerry felt a enormous maternal affection towards her. They became veryclose and, hence, developed a strong relationship mingled with them. For Jerry andall children, a childs true wish is for their begins love.A plosive speech sound of time after Jerry had been with the writer, he developeda strong affection towards her. One night, sitting with the woman in front ofthe warm fire, Jerry became sentimental, telling her that she looked a littlelike his mother. He told a moving story about his mother, who lived inMannville, and how she always sent gifts to him on Christmas and on hisbirthdays. But the story was afterwards revealed that Jerry never had a mother inMannville. He fabricated the lie because he loved the writer just as much ashe would love his own mother. Jerry felt that the woman was very close to him,and being with her gave him a warm feeling-a feeling like home. Even thewriters dog, Pat, was intimate and never barked at him. To Jerry, the writerand Pat were a part of his life.If Jerry never felt this kind of motherly love from the woman, hewould not have lied about his mother in Mannville. In other words, if thewriter was not as nice and understanding, Jerry would not have lied. He wouldnever want a mother who does not care about him. When Jerry lied about hismother, he wanted the writer to realize that he was really referring to her ashis mother. There was no distance between them and Jerry always felt safeand comfo rtable to talk to her. But if Jerry never sensed the passion and

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The United States in the Vietnam War Essay -- Essays Papers

The united States in the Vietnam WarMany soldiers have been lost in the different wars that the f completely in States has been involved. Although there have been many wars rightful(prenominal) one is unique from the others, it is known as the war that was never won or lost. The Vietnam War started erupt as a conflict but concisely escalated into a full-fledged war. Many soldiers have been lost in the Vietnam War. The United States move many soldiers into the jungles of Indochina trying to stop the spread of communism from the North Vietnamese. It altogether seems clear-cut, with the motives and sides easily seen but as the war lagged on, it seemed that the United States became involved, and essentially needed a draft. The United States involvement in the Vietnam War became greater as the performance of the war progressed. With more increased support it seemed as though the United States was making a difference, but many thought it was a lost cause. The United States became involved in the Vietnam War as early as the Geneva Accords in 1953. The Geneva accords basically stated that Vietnam was to hold elections to unify the country. These were drawn just after the Korean War. The French were initially involved and requested the support of the U.S. When the conflict began the U.S. sent in mostly ground troops and officers, it was a contain amount. According to the terms of the Geneva Accords, Vietnam would hold national elections in 1956 to reunify the country-Brigham, 1. The French and the British were both ready for the treaty to be write and the conflict finally ended -Hess, 47. The Eisenhower administration used SEATO only as a way of stalling. They had basically, through the work on SEATO, created a whole late country out of the remains of the old Vietnam -Br... ...sed his popularity in office -Hess, 117. The United States had many fallen soldiers in the Vietnam War. Many people think that it was not the United States place to go into Vietnam an d prevent the spread of communism from the North to South. Many French troops were stationed in the Jungles of Indochina and it was believed that they could take care of the crisis that was growing in Asia. What started out as a relief campaign, only sending minimal forces to Vietnam turned into a war with over 550,000 United States troops. The gradual introduction of troops to Vietnam, the Tet offensive, and Vietnamization were all major aspects of the war that the United States was drawn into. It is still considered by many as the war that no one has won, and maybe if the Eisenhower administration had not sent troops in initially, a lot of American soldiers lives would be saved.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hurricane Wilma :: essays research papers

DamageHurricane Wilma is the roughly intense hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Basin. The atmospheric pressure was 882 millibars on Wednesday, Oct.19 making it a category 5. Wilma was the 21st storm of the 2005 hurricane season. On Tuesday, Oct.18 the hurricane was a Category 1 hurricane. Hurricane Wilma came just a week after Hurricane Stan, affecting some of the same countries. By Friday, Hurricane Wilma had caused at least 11 deaths in Haiti and Jamaica. Mudslides were becoming a real threat, prompting evacuations in Central America, The Caribbean, and as far as the United States.Hurricane Wilma pounded the western tip of Cuba (figure 3), where the g all overnment had to evacuate more than 500,000 people, including 7,000 people from the coastal fishing village of La Coloma. At least one hurricane shelter in downtown Cancun had to evacuate. There were about 1,000 people that had to be moved during the night because the ceiling threatened to collapse. Hurricane Wilma w hence headed up toward the United States, aiming tworad Collier, Florida. It cost more than 6 billion dollars in damages 1 billion dollars was recorded in Collier, Florida in Southwest Florida, making it the most damaging natural disaster in 45 years in Florida.RecoveryThe American Red Cross gave 4,500 hygiene kits to the Mexican Red Cross, and 2,000 hygiene kits to the Bahamas Red Cross Society. These kits include toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo and other items. The kits are being sent from relief supplies that were already in Panama.Three months after Hurricane Wilma made landfall, over 300 million dollars had been approved for Florida residents who suffered damages from the disaster.

Quebec Nationalism Essay -- essays research papers fc

The question of whether Quebec will secede from Canada to let an independent nation has been a hot topic in the country for s of all timeal years now. It dates back to the abortive rebellions of 1837-38. In 1980, a referendum to secede was rejected by a 60-40 margin. Since then though, the numbers of Quebeckers that want to become sovereign has significantly increased. There is so many questions of what will happen if this does happen. In this paper I plan to take a deeper look at this situation and try to figure out what it would actually be like if Quebec was its own country.The premier of Quebec, Lucien Bouchard has been attempting to separate from Canada for quite sometime. If he had it his way this topic would be old news by now. His main problem is the Federalist, English speaking citizens of his province. They make believe been very vocal on their stance to stay apart of Canada. They have sent around several resolutions stating this. It all started in Allumette Island East, which has a population of 458. It has since spread to municipalities along the borders with Ontario and the United States, and in the Montreal area. Unfortunately this means very belittled considering the fact that these municipalities only represent approximately 6% of the provinces population. When the Parti Quebecois government called for the first referendum on secession in 1980, only 40% were in favor of separatism. When the party took over control again in 1995 the approval rose just about 49%. The fear of the PQ is that if several of the aimless voters out there feel that a sovereign Quebec must mean a partitioned, patchwork Quebec, the separatists might well fall back to 40% if that. nonpareil group of Quebeckers with the strongest-and geographically the widest claims for self determination, the Cree, Inuit, and Innu who occupy the resource-rich northern two-thirds of the province. The views of these nations oddly enough seem to go unmentioned. During the 1995 attempt to secede these three groups all voted by more than(prenominal) than 95% to stick with Canada. People outside of Canada are baffled at how Canada ended up in such a state of affairs. Canada as a country has a lot going for it. A high GNP, and high per capita income in international terms. It is ranked at the top of the... ...izens are suffering.I get word where the French-speaking Canadians are coming from. With the majority of French Canadians residing in the province of Quebec they feel like they are different than the rest of the country. As it stands now, Quebec is one of the more prosperous provinces in Canada, and I wonder if secession were to take place what would happen? We all know that it would take time to become successful, but who knows if they would ever return to the way it is now. Is the price too big to play? With the opposing sides at almost equal size it is important to come to a last situation. Before possible violence breaks out within the province.Bibliograp hyDoran, Charles F. Will Canada Unravel? in Foreign Affairs. Sept-Oct 1996 v75 n5 pg97Quebec Divisible in The Economist(US) December 6,1997 v344 n8046 pg 36Bowen, Bruce Jeffrey Simpson Will the Quebec Secessionists keep up? in New Zealand International Review, May-June 1997 v22 n3 pg 30

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Electrolytes :: science

ElectrolytesElectrolytes be liquids that conduct electricity. Most need to be dissolved into water or another(prenominal) solvent. Batterys strike an electrolyte in them, either as a liquid or as a paste. Liquid electrolytes are used in electrolysis, electroplating, and other chemical processes. When electrolytes dissolve they release positive and negative ions. The released ions have got electric charges between electrodes, in the closure. Cations (a positively charged ion that migrates to the cathode, a negative electrode) carry positive electric charges toward the cathode. Anions carry negative electric charges toward the anode, positive electrode. Strong electrolytes release many ions and conduct electricity well. Weak electrolytes, like acetic acid, jadet release many ions and conduct poorly. Non electrolytes, like sugar, release no ions and form non conducting solutions. A couple electrolytes conduct electricity as solids. These solid electrolytes have ions that can move and carry charges without solvents. There are two ways to be able to have ions that are able to conduct electricity, the dissociation of bean Compounds, and the Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. The Dissociation of Ionic Compounds is where particles are ionically (electricly) bonded together. They already made out of cations and anions, but in their solid state the ions are locked into position in their crystal structure, and cant move around. When the ionic compound is dissolved into water the water molecules, which are polar,(having a positive and a negative end) will be attracted to the positive ions. This attraction of different charges will create tension in the crystal and it will overcome the attice (the arrangement of molecules in a crystalline solid) energy keeping the crystal in place. Once this happens the cations will be surrounded by water molecules, and so will the anions. This is called the solution process. This makes a lower order of organization o f the ions. The ions are now in a simpler form so they have higher mobility, and can carry electrical particles to conduct electricity. Salts that are completely dissolvable in water are usually strong electrolytes. The salts that are barely dissolvable are weak. The strength of an electrolyte is deliberate by its ability to conduct electricity. Theres also the way of Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. Polar molecular substances are substances whose atoms are co-valently bonded. Each molecule has a net molecular dipole moment (the product of the distance between two poles of a dipole and the magnitude or either pole) that is made because of the dipole moments of the bonds do not cancel each other out.

Electrolytes :: science

ElectrolytesElectrolytes argon liquids that conduct electricity. Most need to be dissolved into water or some other solvent. Batterys lead an electrolyte in them, either as a liquid or as a paste. Liquid electrolytes be used in electrolysis, electroplating, and other chemical processes. When electrolytes dissolve they release positive and negative ions. The released ions unfold electric charges between electrodes, in the settlement. Cations (a positively charged ion that migrates to the cathode, a negative electrode) carry positive electric charges toward the cathode. Anions carry negative electric charges toward the anode, positive electrode. Strong electrolytes release many ions and conduct electricity well. Weak electrolytes, like acetic acid, take ont release many ions and conduct poorly. Non electrolytes, like sugar, release no ions and form non conducting solutions. A couple electrolytes conduct electricity as solids. These solid electrolytes have ions that can move and c arry charges without solvents. There are two ways to be able to have ions that are able to conduct electricity, the dissociation of noodle Compounds, and the Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. The Dissociation of Ionic Compounds is where particles are ionically (electricly) bonded together. They already made out of cations and anions, but in their solid state the ions are locked into position in their crystal structure, and cant move around. When the ionic compound is dissolved into water the water molecules, which are polar,(having a positive and a negative end) will be attracted to the positive ions. This attraction of different charges will create tension in the crystal and it will overcome the attice (the arrangement of molecules in a crystalline solid) energy keeping the crystal in place. Once this happens the cations will be surrounded by water molecules, and so will the anions. This is called the solution process. This makes a lower order of organization of t he ions. The ions are now in a simpler form so they have higher mobility, and can carry electrical particles to conduct electricity. Salts that are completely dissolvable in water are usually strong electrolytes. The salts that are barely dissolvable are weak. The strength of an electrolyte is deliberate by its ability to conduct electricity. Theres also the way of Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. Polar molecular substances are substances whose atoms are co-valently bonded. Each molecule has a net molecular dipole moment (the product of the distance between two poles of a dipole and the magnitude or either pole) that is made because of the dipole moments of the bonds do not cancel each other out.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Impact of Standardized Testing Essay

There is a vast literature available use uping African American manlike assimilator accomplishment and its relation to the accomplishment dislocation occurrence (Perry, Stelle, & Hilliard, 2003 Thernstrom & Thernstrom, 2003 Hrabrowksi, 1998 Ogbu, 1998 Patterson, 2006 Polite & Davis, 2001 Duncan, 1999 Freeman, 1999). Researchers and media channels explain the causes of African Americans continuously staying behind their White partners.Several provide limited allegations concerning African American male student accomplishment from either a past, sociological, or monetary view when deciding school achievement or failure. On the contrary, sufficient notice has not been allow to experiential and mixed methodological styles for assisting in advancing the debate concerning the provision of efficient resolutions toward narrowing the achievement scissure that exists between African American male learners and counteracting deficit-model styles.In Educating African American Males Voices f rom the Fields, the author Fashola (2008) and some other important academician researchers tackle this matter. The book is segmented in eight chapters, stance itself in many thematic areas that include social, ethnic, and past matters school reform primary, middle and high school experiences structural analysis of manliness institutional types of prejudice and extra-curricular activities which assist in the promotion of affirmative self-confidence and analytical skills for African American males.Altogether, the providers enunciate the requirement of novel styles by demanding the educational commune to remove beyond conventional means of accomplishment and to comprehend the importance of social, past, ethnic, behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and educational styles that add to the broadening of the achievement gap between African American males and their unclouded partners.Cooper and Jordan (2003) tackle the issues of African American male student achievement and they do this by locating and investigating the past as well as the methodical impacts of prejudice and also by displaying the way institutionalized domination hold a part to play in the broadening of the achievement gap. The authors rate the elements such(prenominal) as uncontrolled unemployment, poverty, and insufficient accessibility to health care as the possible elements of African American males not being franchised in the detail of school and community.The authors imply that an intergenerational poverty (p. 2) exists which disseminates a self-fulfilling prediction for several of African American males. Ogbus (1998) research allows for the contextualizing of such past injustices. It is implied that the treatment of minorities in the wider clubhouse is reflected in their treatment in education (p. 159). In his book Noguera (2003) assists in the contextualizing of few of the practical attitudes which are required for the comprehension of certain of the behavioral trends of African American m ales which have an impact on them in school.The author offers information and research which record the way they were marginalized and wronged by the schooling experiences in the capitalist educational frameworks. Text offers a qualitative study which looks for determining the part that educators have in the motivation of students teachers can utilize this information to reassess and modify their educational and instructional practices and also to fulfill the requirements of African American males and at the same time provide with suitable scaffolding so as to assist the learners in meeting the academic standards.Along with this, Noguera also debates that the learners are to be taught and habituated so as to see that the academic institutions are advantageous to them and also that the anticipations for them are high. Noguera writes intimately the schooling experiences of African American males by assessing their accomplishment trends in public schools and tackling with their conseq uent detachment. He writes that Black males underperform on standardized tests and that they undergo very much higher drop-out rates.Although Black males achieve much and their performance is good in the primary grades, they tend to underperform by the age of nine (Garibaldi, 1992). His recommendation is that the educators should be placing literary and language enrichment at the head of their instructional concerns. This is featurely important during their primary school times supplementing with the talents allows for African American males to become self-sufficient, analytical intellection is principal for their general intellectual achievement or failure.Development of Problem An operational attitude to the tradition of schooling also offers a valuable contextual structure for the investigation of student oppositionality and resistance (Ogbu, 1998) as minor traditional features displayed by particular minority learners in reaction to their communal marginalization. The idea of individuation and the way it is written either by a person or the community is made pertinent by the reactions of these marginalized learners and is a vital part of a sufficient hypothetical viewpoint on tradition.The academic achievement gap which is present between African American and White learners is a very imperative contest for the urban education in the United States in the present times. Generally, the rank and academic achievement of minority groups in science have been issues of concern in various areas (National Science Foundation, 1994 Atwater, 2000). In a wide-ranging assessment of the issues, Jencks and Phillips (1998) suggest that in that location should be an application of methodical and preserved research attempts targeted at investigating the causes for the low performance of particular minority groups.When discussing the achievement gap and displaying it as a challenge for the urban education, there has to be an emphasis fit(p) on certain aspects of the urb an schools which are responsible for the existent gap. In the United States, the fact that the majority of the Black students study in urban or inner city institutions is correct, and on the other hand White students normally study at suburban schools. It is possible that this factor is responsible for the achievement gap between the Blacks and the Whites and it provides with an urban/suburban aspect.Urban academic institutions are also different from the suburban ones in the accessibility of the study material and commune sources. still though the fact that the suburban schools normally have much better sources in contrast to the urban schools is true, an exploration can be made in whether the resources that are accessible for the urban schools are utilized most advantageously so as to improve the student involvement and intellectual accomplishment.Even though standardized test traditionally has been slackly connected to responsibility and student education, the association had b een weak. The association between student education and high-stakes standardized testing became more distinct, and a rise in the utilization of the tests has reached classic magnitude following the introduction of the No Child Left Behind. The argument behind such a connection is that raised pressure to perform well on standardized tests, and also a series of incentives and penalties, will raise the student education and accomplishment.Impacts of such testing standards have broad results, not just on the current generation but also on the next generations of youth. Purpose of the Study The propose of this study is to assess the impact that standardized testing has on African American male students. The study aims to display the issues connected with the impact of standardized testing on African American males. African American males face discrimination and due to that they do not perform as they should in their academics.Innumerable researches have been conducted to examine Africa n American youths academic results. There is relative concentration with a stress on the achievement gap between African American youths generally and also that of other ethnic categories, like the Europeans and Asian Americans. Several conceptual structures have been offered which propose the achievement gap in educational results is the consequence of societal-level discrimination which afflicts African Americans (for example, Fordham & Ogbu, 1986 Ogbu, 1987, 1994 Steele, 1997).In reality, several of the studies record the negative impacts of such macro system-level elements on the encouragement and intellectual accomplishment of African American learners (Howard & Hammond, 1985 Ponterotto & Pedersen, 1993 Steele & Aronson, 1995). disposition of the Study Social research can be deductive or inductive and each is applied according to the research type. Deductive approach refers to particular information that has been gained from a general theory. Through the theory the researcher gets the foresights concerning the happening.Deductive research is termed as theory testing. In the case when a research initiates with a theory and is following the hypotheses that the researcher has set to test, the approach is deductive. Deductive reasoning sets to work moving from the more universal to the more precise. Induction is usually depict as moving from the specific to the general. Observations are used for inductive approaches. Inductive reasoning moves from the more specific to a broader generalization and theory. In this case there is quite some uncertainty involved and the conclusions are based on theories.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

John Proctor the Tragic Protagonist

In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, the protagonist commode observe is caught in the middle of the capital of Oregon witchery trials in 1692. The accusers are a bunch of young girls led by Abigail, who wishes to be with john monitoring device by having his wife hanged at the gallows. outhouse reminder attempts to bring an end to the lies and corruption spawned by Abigail and her group of followers.Trough these attempts to bring justice to the court of Salem, his efforts to tho his his wife Elizabeth Proctor from being hanged for witchcraft, and through his perseverance to cherish the honor of his name by not falsely admitting to witchcraft, toilette Proctor establishes himself as The Crucibles Tragic hero. John Proctor realizes the girls making accusations of witchcraft in Salem are lying and pretending. Proctor first learns of Mary warren, his servant, who making false accusation in the court.John proctor realizes Mary Warren and Abigail, the women John proctor had an affair with, are conspiring to have Elizabeth hanged for witchcraft. Proctor realizes this when Mary Warren makes a poppet for Elizabeth that mimics a enchant doll and lands Elizabeth an arrest for witchcraft. This when John Proctor decides to go to court to expose the truth. In court while trying to accuse the girls of lying, Mary Warren puts on act to make the court think John is bewitching her, and he ends up being accused himself.This is a sad quality of The Crucible because John Proctor in the act of trying to save his wifes life and expose the truth gets himself convicted of the very aforesaid(prenominal) crime. Proctors wife, Elizabeth Proctor, is accused of witchcraft by Abigail, who claims she used a voodoo doll on her. Mary Warren had constructed the doll in court and John Proctor knows this and wishes to save his wifes life. He argues with Mary Warren and forces her to testify to the court that the girls were all lying. Mary Warren ends up testifying and then turning on Proc tor accusing him of witchcraft.Proctor denies his ill of witchcraft and until now shames himself by admitting to the court having had committed lechery with Abigail. The Court brings out Elizabeth to confirm John Proctors justification of lechery. Thinking to protect her husband she denies it to the court. This is tragic because in trying save Elizabeth John himself becomes accused and in Elizabeths will to save her husbands image she only further convinces the Judge to arrest John Proctor. When John Proctor is accused of witchcraft, he denies all charges and his thr proclaim in jail. He his marked to be hung.On the day of his hanging he is persuaded by Elizabeth and his own conscience to confess in order to save his life. He confesses to the judge and his confession is copied onto a confession statement to be posted on the church. John Proctor does not want his confession posted on the church because he wants his name to retain its honor, especially since he has a family and chi ldren. He is told unless his confession is posted on the church it wont be accepted. John Proctor in a moment of self righteousness decides to uphold his honor and denies the charge of witchcraft and allows himself to be hanged in the gallows.Tragedy strikes here because a good person dies while evil prevails. These events show that John Proctor is a tragic hero. He is an honest man and when he realizes the seriousness of girls lies he acts to bring truth to the court. He tries to protect his wife from certain death and instead receives the same fate she does. Finally Proctor tries to salvage his name out of the wreckage of the witchcraft trials but cannot do so without dying. These are all examples of why John Proctor is truly The Crucibles tragic hero.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Types of Diabetes

DESCRIPTIONDiabetes pertains to a metabolic disorder that is associated with the lack or absence of insulin, a protein that deports glucose into the cells of the body. Glucose, also simply known as sugars, is considered as the first source of goose egg for the daily activities performed by the human body, such as walking and standing. In addition, glucose also serves as the main resource for the energy that is required to fuel cellular processes within the body, including that of growth and repair of cells and tissues. The pabulum items consumed by an individual generally contain glucose and indeed the presence of insulin is important for the transport of this macromolecule to the appropriate regions of the body.Insulin is mainly produced by the pancreas, which is a digestive organ that is strategically located next to the small intestines, where digestion commonly occurs. Once the process of digestion has been terminate in the intestines, the glucose molecules transported into cells through the help of insulin. In normal individuals, the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas is enough to transport the glucose that is present in the meal consumed. On the other hand, individuals with diabetes file a lack or absence of insulin secreted by the pancreas, thus preventing the transport of the glucose molecules into the cells. Glucose is therefore left outside the cells and these remain circulating in the pedigree. The continuous appeal of glucose further extends from the blood to the urine, which in turn are samples employed for the diagnostics of diabetes.CAUSES OF DIABETESDiabetes is generally caused by a number of factors, depending on the type of diabetes that has been positively diagnosed in an individual. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), pertains to an autoimmune condition that involves the incapacity of the body to combat infections (NIH, 2010a). In this case, the immune system of an individual causes t he demolition of the cells of the pancreas, thus decreasing and possibly preventing the production of insulin for glucose transport. The actual mechanism that triggers the destruction of the pancreatic cells by the immune system is still unknown and there are officious efforts in the field of biomedical research that are attempting to elucidate this reaction.Type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), pertains to an augment in the take of glucose in the body due to aging, obesity or genetic inheritance of the condition (NIH, 2010b). Type 2 diabetes is therefore more commonly observed among decrepit individuals, as their metabolic rate generally slows down as they age. Obese individuals tend to develop diabetes because their food choices are often different from the recommended daily diet, thus increasing the likelihood that sugar-rich foods would be consumed on a regular basis.Gestational diabetes pertains to the increase in the blood glucose level of a female during pregnancy. This occurrence is usually cogitate to the gain in the total body weight of a adult female during pregnancy, as well as the decrease in the physical activity of the cleaning woman as she progresses through the entire gestational period of 36 weeks or 9 months. Unlike types 1 and 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes often disappears once the woman has given birth. The disappearance of the features of diabetes are possibly linked to the loss in the total body weight after birth, as well as the increase in the physical activity of the woman after delivery.EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DIABETESType 1 diabetes generally affects both males and females, yet there are certain characteristics that strongly associated with this metabolic disease. check to the World Health Organization, type 1 diabetes is more common among whites and is considered as a rare disease among non-white populations of Africa and Asia. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is commonly diagnosed i n elderly individuals.Moreover, elderly individuals who are overweight are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes because these individuals tend to be less active in physical activities. Certain populations are thus associated with type 2 diabetes, including those of African and Asian ethnicities. In the United States alone, there are 24 meg individuals with the age of 20 years old and above that have been diagnosed with diabetes (NIDDK, 2007). On the other hand, there are 12 million elderly individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes in the United States.TREATMENT OF DIABETESType 1 diabetes is generally treated with the administration of insulin on a daily basis. Patient are therefore taught how to inject insulin anyday, in order to go along a normal level of insulin in their blood. Type 2 diabetes is usually treated with medications that assist in the digestion of glucose from the food items consumed. This medication is given on a daily basis using a tablet or capsule for mat. In addition to medications, a healthy diet is highly recommended to diabetic patients. This includes food items that are low in sugar content, such as green, leafy vegetables and fiber-rich fruits and grains.Exercise is also recommended for diabetic patients, as this assists in increasing the metabolic rate of the body. diabetic patients are also educated on the condition of hypoglycemia, which is the extreme lowering of the blood glucose level of the body, resulting in fainting and a decrease in the arterial blood pressure. A dietician therefore plays an important role in the design of the dietary regimen of diabetic patients. A regular check-up should also be performed every 3 to 6 months, wherein the fasting blood sugar levels are determined, in order to evaluate the progress of the patient with the current dietary regimen.REFERENCESNational Institute of Diabetes and digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2007). National Diabetes Statistics, 2007. Downloaded from http//diabetes.nid on July 8, 2010.National Institutes of Health. (2010a). Type 1 diabetes Thirty years of progress. Downloaded from http// on July 8, 2010.National Institutes of Health. (2010b). Type 2 diabetes Thirty years of progress. Downloaded from http// on July 8, 2010.

Friday, May 24, 2019

India Problems Essay

India should stop obsessing some how to become one of the worlds great powers and focus on solving its biggest problems to become a great nation, Sundeep Wasleka, the president of Strategic Foresight Group, writes in this months Forbes India. At present, regardless of the hype, India is failing, Wasleka suggests. Politicians and business leaders are always thumping their chests everywhere Indias rising importance in the G20 and lobby for a new G10 (the G8 plus India and chinaware). barely 200 out of the countrys 600 districts are infested with Maoist revolutionaries who know full well their strategy for changing the country is tantamount to suicide. And while China has (belatedly) made its great leap forward, India is still limping ii steps ahead and then stumbling back one. Heres Waslekar* Twenty years ago, the average productivity of a cow or a overawe in both India and China was in the region of 1,000-2,000 litres of milk each year. An Indian buffalo continues to de make lov er the same yields, while an animal bred in China delivers five times as much. Why? What is it about the Indian dairy farmer that holds him back? * India is a rain-dependent nation. that on average, lone(prenominal) 38 portion of arable area is irrigated. Solutions like drip irrigation are available to redress the problem. But only a meagre 5 percent of available land has seen this solution. Why dont Indian farmers demand drip irrigation?* There are roughly 450 million people in India that make up our course force. Of these, 90 percent havent completed school breeding. Why? Because, of the 630,000 villages in India, over 500,000 dont have schools that smoke provide cultivation above Class VII. Without a doubt, labour productivity is linked to education. Why does the Indian labourer not demand education? Good questions, which the writer doesnt exactly answer. But he does offer some solutions. Or what Ill c totally 5 Ways to Fix India1. Make politicians live like the voters. W hen misfires Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the AK Party came to power, the country was ruled by military elites, and regular people had to lump it. But Erdogan decided to change the countrys political and economic future by changing the mindset of its leaders. On assuming power, Erdogan moved into a two-storey house in eat uptown Ankara and ruled that all ministers and members of Parliament ought to live in their own homes. In a speech delivered at the Turkish Parliament he argued, If you want to be representatives of people, you must live and work with your people.He then proceeded to take away other privileges they enjoyed. He followed it up by calling in people from the construction business and postulation them to reduce invoices he reckoned were inflated or face being blacklisted for all government projects. He also made it clear that any compromise on quality, durability or deadlines in building roads, dams or other projects with public money would attract severe penalties. He th en moved to provide peculiar(prenominal) grants to the poorest and incentives to small businesses in an attempt to provide a fillip to the rural economy. He issued orders that his government focus on education in the or so backwards provinces of bomb. Five years was all it took to effect a transformation. The party came back to power in 2007 and again last year. It was the kind of change that took Southeast Asiatic countries almost two decades. Can it happen in India? It looks as though it could, if you compare two Himalayan statesSikkim and Jammu & Kashmir. both lie in the lap of the Himalayas.Sikkim has the Chinese to contend with and J&K the Pakistanis. Sikkim has Christians and Buddhists and J&K has Muslims, all national minorities, as the majority population and both have had controversial histories of accession to India. Both remain poor. But Jammu & Kashmir has been plagued by insurgency and violence while Sikkim is one of the most peaceful states in the country. This, i n spite of the fact that Kashmir gets more exchange funding than Sikkim Probe deeper and you realise this is a function of the relationship between the rulers and the common people. Sikkims economy is balanced towards development. The society there has worked out an informal contract and the emphasis is on a balanced relationship between the leadership and the people. In J&K, diversity has existed since the 1950s, with one family calling the shots.2. Eliminate inequalityTwo-thirds of Indians work as farmers, yet they account for only a fifth of GDP and they live in dismal conditions, with little chance of upward mobility, for the most part. Why so? One of the reasons why this discrepancy exists is because farmers experience trade barriers, like the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC), which puts serious restrictions on whom they can sell to. And solutions that exist in the form of co-operatives often operate as monopolies in the hands of political families who do everyt hing they can to prevent the competing co-operatives. What to do about it?If growth is the mandate, the agricultural economy has to be liberalised and producers set free. Because when farmers and rural industries have access to a steady income, they depart invest in improving productivity. That, in turn, will push everybody into building a country where the ruling class and citizens are equals. To start the process, though, one question needs to be answered. Do you pretermit energies into getting into the Top 10 in terms of GDP? Or do you focus on getting the Human Development Index (HDI), where India has systematically ranked below 120, to higher levels? What a low HDI means is that for all the GDP growth and the consequent prosperity, development is superficial at best.3. Unleash variationThe reason India doesnt have its own Apple or Samsung isnt because the countrys leading minds are foc utilise on stripping products down to their essentials to hit the market at the bottom of the pyramid, Waslekar argues. Its because industry isnt paying enough attention to research that doesnt have immediate have-to doe with on their companys bottom line. In India, I can only think of the Tatas who founded the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Waslekar writes. But meanwhile In the next two to three decades, the fourth industrial revolution will be underway.The first industrial revolution took place in late 18th Century, the second in the late 19th Century, and computerisation is the third. The fourth includes genomics, nanotechnology and robotics (GNR). These apart, expect breakthroughs in space technology, renewable energy and water technologies. All of these will transform the world. India has to decide whether it wants to be a great power by servicing multinationals and providing software engineers who work at the low end of the cost curve, or be a lead shrink fromer in the new revolution.4. Deploy technolo gy to democratize educationIndias government-run schools are terrible, and education faces a forceful shortage of teachers across the board. But the government isnt doing enough to utilize community radio stations and its satellite network to enable distance education for anybody whos interested, Waslekar argues. If this technology were deployed into education, a few crore of rupees and the 700,000 villages with no access to schools suddenly become accessible. India has a satellite in orbit as well, which is meant to be used exclusively for education. Any institution can use it to impart remote education to children in Naxalite-affected areas in central and northern India or to the schools located in difficult-to-access regions such as the North East. (Okay, this one has a few holes).5. Improve relations with key neighbors Never mind the contradictions, in this one. Turkey made itself a key feature in its neighborhood by inking a free trade pact with Syria, which meant that when Sy ria chalked out a peace plan with Israel, Damascus insisted that Turkey would be the interlocutor. On the other hand, terrorists never think of attacking Norway or Sweden because their objective was not to build a security infrastructure because there is only so long and so often it can counter attacks but to build nations nobody thinks of attacking. Huh? So India should shoehorn its way into international disputes, like Turkey. But at the same time remain on the isolated fringe, like Sweden? All while sitting sandwiched between Pakistan and China, while the US makes a play to take back the Pacific? He lost me there. But the article still merits a close reading.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Comfort and Gods Glory Essay

In the decision to discuss cardinal topics included within this check paper I have been led to discuss two doctrines that are close to all(a) Christians. The comfort of God and the glory of God are the two doctrines that I have foc habituated on over the last several weeks. The comfort of God has touched me at times over the course of my heart however, never as much as it has over the last year. I wish to praise the glory of God as directed within the al-Quran to show how God has worked in my life.The Comfort of GodTheological Definition The comfort of God can be best represent and defined by 2 Corinthians 13-5 which states Blessed be the God and Father of our passkey Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share extravagantly in Christs sufferings, so through Christ we share abundan tly in comfort too. (NIV) However, Websters dictionary defines comfort as to give strength and hope to and to ease the grief or trouble of (Websters, 2013)Biblical FoundationThe Bible provides many references to Gods comfort as stated in Psalms 182 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer my God, my strength, in whom I pass on trust my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. (NIV) dismantle though the word comfort isnt contained in the passage just knowing that God is your strength and rock is enough. Psalms 1387 states though I walk in the middle of trouble, you will revive me you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand shall save me. (NIV)Practical lotion everyplace the course of my career as a law enforcement officer, I have found myself seeking comfort in some way or another. I have involved myself with discussions with fellow officers and have sought guidance from counselors and other professional sou rces. However, I have found no sense of comfort that compares to the discussion and the comfort that religion brings me. I have learned over the course of my career that God is in control. He has a plan for all of us and comforts us when we stray from that path. When I speak of Gods comfort I think of a video that I watched on YouTube recently. The video was a pitch given by Admiral Lee of the United State Coast Guard. Admiral Lee talks about the red tape that prevents him and all army personal from comforting soldiers on the battlefield.He states that he is unable at times to give guidance to those struggling for hope. Im not a type of person who wants to force my faith and beliefs on a person. But much like Admiral Lee I have had the opportunity to be there when someone is reaching out. To give them comfort with Gods preachings and to give them a bible so they can find hope and comfort within its pages. I have for years during my tenure as a police officer carried a bible in my police fomite. I also carry smooth pocket bibles purchased at my own expense. I throughout the years have never had anyone refuse one of my bibles. However, I have arrested people who have already got one of them.The Glory of God Theological Definition The glory of God is the beauty of his spirit. It is not his physical beauty however it is his beauty that emanates from his character. Gods glory is His splendor, his majesty. The glory of God is his character and his divine nature it is the very essence of his presence. Biblical FoundationThe glory of God is referenced early in the bible Exodus 24 15-17 states Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud cover the mountain. Now the glory of the Lord rested on Mt. Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And on the seventh day he called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud. The sight of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel. (NIV) The glory of god is used figuratively for God himself. Moses said to God himself in Exodus 33 18-22 enrapture show me your glory. Then he said, I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will enunciate the name of the Lord before you . . . You cannot see my face for no man shall see me and live. And the Lord said, here is a place by me, and you shall stand on the rock. So shall it be, plot my glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with my hand while I pass by. (NIV) Practical ApplicationHow do we practically apply Gods glory to our everyday life? God calls us to glorify him in all we do. I do not proclaim to live a life without sin, as most Christians would agree. I codt just do kind things to others with hopes of cancelling out the sins that I have done. However, I try to reach out into the community in the way in which I turn over God wants me to. My career is a hard one and it takes a hard person to be a police officer. I have been accused of many things by people whom are upset and dont understand. Its easy to stand on the side of the road and observe a group of police officer at a tragic vehicle accident and get the wrong impression. I have seen officers who begin to joke around and are smiling. Now I agree the place and time for a joke is not at a car accident where someone has lost his or her life.However, it is a coping method that a lot of officers use to deal with a high stress situations. Are they living up to the glory of God? Probably not, however, they are performing their jobs to the best of their ability. The bible tells us we are not to commit murder, so how do I explain to my children that I had to take a life in the performance of my duties? How do I express to them that I am here to glorify God when I have broken one of the commandments? I dont know the answer, and I do know that I try to live my life in a manner that allows me to glorify Him. I dont believe that just worshiping God in church and singing hym ns is enough. I believe that we wishing to try to preach to those who havent heard the Gospel and we need to live our lives praising him and living in his example. ConclusionI have progressed in my Christian studies and have focused on the things that I can do to both glorify God and to provide the comfort of God to others. You never know when the moments will be presented to you to affect the life of another, but Im prepared. I can tell story after story to describe how I have attempted to accomplish these things, but I dont want to place emphasis on them. God knows the good things I have done in my career and he knows the bad things. I will continue to study his word and build my house in heaven as to speak. Good deeds will not secure your place in heaven. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ. I have allowed Christ to fill my heart and I can build my home in heaven by the good deeds to which I do here. I can learn by Admiral Lees advice and example. I dont have to stand an d shout to someone in need. I only need to hand them the tool they need to find hope and Gods glory. I only need to whisper to them read this.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

American History (1815-1820)

Economic discipline is shaped by a domains political leaders, the external forces and the natural courses of history. The United States of the States was under the leadership of ten presidents from 1815-1850. This started with the 4th US president James Madison who, through the Congress, declared war with Britain in 1812. There was economic effect as a normal consequence of war. But the young nation bounced back and it was during the presidency of John Quincy Adams that the war of 1812 was declared successful. There was an upsurge of nationalism.There was incidental waves of economic and social change that swept across the nation. Adams called his idea the the Statesn System, where canals, roads, railroads and expansion were at the forefront of his economic model. This stimulated interregional trade and sparked an unprecedented development of towns and cities. He was defeated by Andrew Jackson in the elections of 1828. Jackson destroyed the Bank of the United States, a well establ ished private bank that handled the money of the federal government, as it was run by his political enemies.There was bank war and federal deposits were removed from this bank. The leadership that followed was that of Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison and John Tyler from 1837- 1845. It was faced with problems genetic from Jacksons presidency as well as problems related to rapid increase in population. The Panic of 1837 resulted from the abrupt closure of a commodious number of American banks which plunged the US into the first major economic depression or severe economic downturn. Sale and settlement of public lands also became a major focus of the federal government.It was the leadership of James Polk that showed positive trends as he had these as achievements at the end of his term in 1849 1) reduced tariffs on imports 2) re-established independent US treasury 3) settled dispute with Great Britain over the control of Oregon Country and, 4) acquired California for the US. It was also during his term that Texas, Florida, Iowa and Wisconsin became states. The American nation also reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean at the end of his term.The presidency of Zachary Taylor from 1849-1850 (as he died after, not completing his term) was marked with the discovery of gold in California which was Americas first gold rush. Vice-President Millard Fillmore took over the presidency and he made sure that the issue of slavery on the newly-acquired lands of the Southwest would not fool the nation apart. 2 References Google, Ancient Lights Educational Media. Americas Era of Expansion and Reform, 1817-1860, http//www. writingco. com/pdf/FH617VTG. pdf Google, Wikipedia, en. wikipedia. org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria Essay

The question of an unexceptionable formula for tax sharing among the component tiers of the Nigerian nation is one of the roughly protracted and contr oversial debates in the political sympathiesal and macroeconomic management of the economy. This debate has its foundations in the history and evolution of the Nigerian federation. taxation allocation or the statutory distribution of receipts from the Federation Account among the disparate aims of governing has been one of the most combative and controversial issues in the nations political life.So contentious has the topic been that none of the formulae evolved at mixed times by a commission or by decree nether distinguishable regimes since 1964 has gained general acceptability among the component units of the country. Indeed, the issue, like a recurring decimal, has painfully remained the first problem that intimately every incoming regime has had to grapple with since independence. In the process, as many as thirteen different attempts have been made in devising an acceptable gross enhancement allocation formula, each of which is more remembered for the controversies it generated than issues colonisedFiscal nationalism refers to the scope and structure of the tiers of authorities responsibilities and functions as well as the allocation of resources among the tiers of political sympathies. Perhaps the most important issue of fiscal federalism is the revenue allocation formula, the sharing of national revenue among the various tiers of government ( vertical revenue sharing) as well as the distribution of revenue among the severalize governments (that is, horizontal revenue allocation).The centralization of Nigerias fiscal federalism began with the report of the Dina Commission (1968) which argued that an appropriate revenue allocation transcription should result in a more equitable distribution of revenue among the states to achieve a fit development of the federation. Revenue allocati on squeeze out be described as a method(s) of sharing the centrally generated revenue among the different tiers of government and how the amount allocated to a particular tier is sh ard among its components.Nigeria is a federal state under the federal system of government, federation or centrally-generated revenue is shared among the deuce-ace levels of government, namely the federal government, the states and the local governments. The theory of revenue sharing in a federal state is that each level of government receives an allocation of financial resources tailored to their specific compulsions as defined by the mandate of legislative competence, their substantial situation and the statutory indices of calculation.In Nigeria, decisions as to what proportion of centrally-generated revenue that would be retained by the federal government, the proportion that will be shared among the state governments and the proportion that will go to the local government has always been a pro blem, due to the fact that there is no consensus of opinion as to what could be seen as an ideal formula.The doctrines that guide the implementation of intergovernmental fiscal relations include (a) The Principle of Diversity The federal system must have the ability to accommodate a large variety of diversities. Hence, the fiscal system must provide scope for variety and differences to supply national, regional and local public goods. (b) The Principle of Equivalence base on the geographical incidence of different public goods, allocative efficiency requires the equalization of locational advantages arising from inter-jurisdictional differences with a combination of taxes and public goods and services.This requires the use of fiscal instruments for achieving macroeconomic objectives of growth, stabilization and full employment by residents of different geopolitical units this requirement controls for what is often referred to as central city exploitation thesis. (d) Minimum Prov ision of Essential Goods and work This ensures that fiscal federalism guarantees all citizens, irrespective of where they reside, the minimum provision of ertain basic public goods and services. (e) Principle of Fiscal demolishing In order to ensure a minimum level of public goods and services same microscope stage of fiscal equalization is required.This is as a result of differences in resource endowment. (f) The Efficiency Principle This principle implies that efficiency must be use in the allocation of resources (g) The Principle of Derivation The component units of a system should be able to control some of its own resources as they desire. h) The Principle of Locational Neutrality Interregional fiscal differences tend to influence location choices of individuals and firms. at that placefore, insurance policy should focus on minimizing distortions due to some interference. Hence, differential taxes which produce locational distortions should be avoided as much as practicab le. (i) The Principle of Centralized Redistribution This principle states that the redistribution function of fiscal policy through progressive taxation and expenditure programmes should be centralized at the federal level.That is, if the redistributive function is decentralized, it can result in distortions in location decisions. It should be noted that the above principles are not reciprocally consistent. There are several challenges and contending issues confronting intergovernmental fiscal relations in Nigeria 1) Non Correspondence Problem Ideally, each level of government should be given adequate resources to allow it discharge its responsibilities.Because this is not possible, there is usually a lack of correspondence betwixt the spending responsibilities and the tax powers/revenue sources assigned to different levels of government. It is this incongruence that is often referred to as the non-correspondence problem. In Nigeria, most of the major sources of revenue come under the jurisdiction of the federal government stock-s savings bank lower levels of government are supposed to generate congenital revenue. There is, therefore, the need to resolve the derangement between assigned functions and tax powers.The issues concerning fiscal relations among the constituent units of the Nigerian federation that remain by and large unresolved are the divergence between assigned functions and tax powers, principle of horizontal and vertical revenue allocation, dependence of states and local governments on federal sources of funding, tendency towards concentration and federal presence in the states (Fadahunsi, 1998). The flipper principles currently applied in the horizontal revenue allocation formula are far from acceptable to all the stakeholders. 2) Fiscal Autonomy and IndependenceThe issue of relative fiscal autonomy and independence of the state and local governments in a true federal structure goes with the corollary issue of the correspondence of govern mental functions and revenue sources. Since the creation of the twelve-state structure in 1967, states and local governments have been excessively dependent on the Federation Account. This independence must be reduced if the federating units are to be free to pursue their own development goals without world hampered by the unpredictable fluctuations in their shares of the Federation Account.It is important that revenue sources should be reallocated and made compatible with the fluctuations express for each tier of government to enhance steady and proper funding of administrative and developmental activities instead of the often experienced unexpected financial constrictions at the two lower tiers of government. 3) Oil Producing States, Oil Producing local Government Administrative Areas or Communities Professor Omo Omoruyi in his treatise the Politics of Oil who owns the petroleum, Nigeria, states or communities (2000) raised three salient questions on true ownership of embroca te in Nigeria.The question of local control over local resources is an established constitutional principle in federal systems. But the way the Nigerian federal system developed under the external colonial order (1954-60) and continued under the period of geo-ethno-military internal colonial order (1960-1999) and in the democratic dispensation between 1999 to date is yet an unresolved contending issues in the hold forth about Nigerias federalism. He challenged the Tripod approach to Nigerias problem where the three major ethnic nationalities go under the content and the trend of national issues. This tripod approach to Nigerian politics, should have been done away with by now, with the launching of the notion of federal character, which takes states in the federation as the units of representation.The tripod approach to Nigerian politics applies to how the crude, which comes from the non-majority areas, is approached in the political and economic discourse. We should in any cas e be aware of the feeling among the majority ethnic nationalities that the areas producing oil by virtue of powerlessness in the military and politics should not be allowed to lay claim to the oil from their areas as of right.However, theres a distinction between oil producing communities and oil producing states. This is the basis of the activities of the Traditional Rulers of the Producing Communities who are dealing with the President and want the money due to states on the basis of the 13% line in the Constitution should be paid to the oil producing communities/local government areas. The Traditional Rulers argument is that communities own oil and not states.This is an unresolved issue and separates the communities in riverside areas directly affected by oil spillages from their compatriots in landed areas from enjoying the full benefits of allocations to producing states. One does not know the end of this argument. How should the National Assembly address this matter? The fede ral government should find a way of making the oil producing local government administrative areas as shareholders in the voice venture arrangements with the oil companies, thus making them stakeholders in the oil industry.There was the issue of who should be spending the oil money. Should it be the Nigerian government in conjunction with the oil producing areas? Should it be the oil producing areas alone? The Constitution from 1960 till after the civil war up till 1978 gave the right of ownership to the federal government but the proceeds were shared between the federal government and the regions or states on the basis of line like the agricultural crops. 4) Federation Account and the Derivation entrepotIt is important to define what constitutes the Federation Account to which the various vertical revenue allocation formulae have been applied and what should be directly financed from it. Up to 1990, the amount accruing yearly to the Federation Account was still over 96% of tota lly federally collected revenue but since 1991, when it first dropped to about 75% and nose-dived to around 35% by 1997, it showed no sign of recovery (Olowononi, 1999).It is therefore clear, that in such a situation, whatever the vertical formula applicable, there must still be a serious fiscal imbalance between the ederal government and the two lower tiers of government. It is crucial to redress this revenue imbalance in the spirit of balanced true federalism. What appears to account for this imbalance is the assertion of the self-claimed right by the federal government to finance various first-line charges from the Federation Account before the application of the vertical formula. The first-line charges include funding for external debt service, national antecedence projects, NNPC priority projects, special reserve account, and excess proceeds of the crude oil sales account, and in addition, the joint venture cash calls account.These deductions are made from the proceeds of crud e oil sales before the derivation fund in the Federation Account is arrived at, and after which further deductions for special funds and the funding of the federal capital territory are made. It will seem more logical, with the exception of the joint venture slip of paper calls, that these various charges which are federal government obligations be financed solely from the federal governments revenue proper, that is, from its share of the Federation Account or from its revenue from other sources.Therefore, in order to determine what constitutes the derivation fund, resolving the issue of the Federation Account is crucial. Thereafter, the derivation formula to be utilized can be arrived at. 5) Oil Producing Areas and the Derivation Principle The crude oil production has been the most important economic bodily process in the Nigerian economy since the early 1970s is not subject to debate. Its impact is not moderate to its contributing almost 90% of Nigerias total foreign exchange earnings but also to the fact that the national budgets are predicated on the expected annual production and price of crude oil.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Francis Turbine Conclusion

FFRANCIS TURBINE QUESTIONS & DISCUSSIONS 7. 1 QUESTIONS 1. Plot a graph of a. Turbine hurrying versus f get-go rate. b. Turbine velocity versus payoff torque. c. Turbine velocity versus hydraulic power. d. Turbine velocity versus mechanised power. e. Turbine velocity versus efficiency. 2. Give your comment(s) from the graph obtained. ? Based on the graph Turbine velocity versus flow rate, it is shown that line for both z=50% and 100%is increasing when turbine velocity increase, flow rate also increasing. From the graph Turbin velocity versus fruit torque, it is shown that output torque for the both line leave increase slightly when turbine velocity is increase ? In the Turbin velocity versus hydraulic power graph,the line shows water speed is increasing due to increasing of hydraulic power. Overall, when turbine velocity become large then it will increase hydraulic power. ? Graph of Turbin velocity versus mechanical power shows mechanical power increase when turbine velocity is going down. ? For the graph of Turbin velocity versus efficiency, it shows its efficiency change magnitude when turbine elocity increase. 3. State five (5) safety factors that have been taken in the experiment. There is five safety factors that should be taken while doing the experiment in laboratory ? Make current our hands are modify when switch on the switch of the machine ? Make sure the turbine is not stopped immediately as it tends to overspeed with emergency stops. ? Make sure the equipment function well before experiment get started. ? Must honor procedure going on the experiment so accident could be avoid during experiment. ? Make sure handling well the equipments during experiment and void silly behavior.DISCUSSIONS Francis turbine is a type of water turbine that was developed by James B. Francis. It is an inward flow reaction turbine that combines radial and axial flow concepts. Francis turbines are the most crude water turbine in use today. They operate in a head ra nge of ten meters to several(prenominal) hundred meters and are primarily used for electrical power production. In real life, the basic operating(a) system of the Francis Turbine is applied to generate hydroelectric power. To design the most efficiency hydroelectric generator, several factors -head, low rate, velocity, power and efficiency of the area should be taking into account. Hman is the differences of embrace head position which measured the hale and the turbine shaft bar. It is a kinetic parameter which cause by water velocity. The height differences between the pressure gauging blockage position and the point of water level at the outflow of reservoir will find the power of outlet. Lower river flows because of drought, climate change or upstream dams and diversions will reduce the amount of populate storage in a reservoir therefore reducing the amount of water that can be used for ydroelectricity. The result of diminished river flow can be power shortages in areas that depend heavy on hydroelectric power. The turbine overall efficiency, is calculated as the ratio of power at outlet point compared to the generated power. It is because in natural the head and velocity of water source is not possible remaining constant. It will influence capacity factor lower than 100%. During the experiment, there might be some actus reus that affects the result of this experiment. The errors that might occur are parallax error while recording the readings or inaccurate clipping counting.Besides, before starting the experiment, the water lever of the tank storage should be checked for remaining at acceptable water lever. CONCLUSION From the experiment that was done, we can conclude that the turbine velocity is increase with the flow rate, output torque, and hydraulic power but decrease in efficiency and mechanical power. REFERENCES Ab Aziz Abdul Latiff, Zawawi Daud, Noor Azila Ahmad, Hartini Kasmin, ill Afnizan Wan Mohamed, Zarina Md Ali. (2007). Hidraulik. Pe nerbit UTHM APPENDIX Original Data Sheet

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Article †Loricia Skin Care’s Home Spa Line

Enjoy the benefits of a private and rarified spa treatment in which all resources exist solely for you and all attention is focused nowadays on your needs. This is the treatment you receive with Loricia fell C atomic number 18s Home Spa Line, specially intentional to cater to the African American womans fell. In fact, this product is designed to fit the alter skin types that exist, and choosing Loricias home spa products means choosing the service that is tailored to suit the needs of your token skin type. We have a combination for every skin type. Choose from Mature Skin Care, greasy combine Skin Care, Normal Combination Skin Care and Dry Skin Care products that are designed to improve all skin conditions and bring out the best in your skin.The Mature Skin Care formula leave pamper your skin, cleansing it from all impurities and restoring it to its natural spectator. Your inner glow will shine through with the use of Ginseng Toner and Marine Moisturizer to bring out the h ealth and beauty of your skin. The Combination Skin Care treatment uses gentle exfoliating cleansers, Ginseng Toners, and Sage & Citrus moisturizers to remove oil, blemishes and fortify your skin against harmful grease and grime. Normal Combination Skin Care uses a unique blend of borage Leaf and other minerals to give your skin that extra healthy glow. It also uses Restorative Marine Moisturizer to rejuvenate your skin to the glorious splendor of youth. For Dry Skin Care, trust our revitalizing Chamomile Cleansing practical application together with Ginseng Toner and Marine Moisturizer to remove dry, flaky skin and protect your face from wind and wintry elements that dry it out.Be pampered, indulged and spoiled by our unique Home Spa products that treat you as special, as though you were the only woman in the world. Made especially for the African American skin, you will be enveloped in a warm, fresh and aromatic cocoon of lavish gratification that shows in the elegance and beau ty of the skin you present to the world every day.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Foundation of Democracy Essay

Desktop ComputersAlso called mortalal electronic computers. tantalise on,beside,or under a desktop.Notebook or LaptopsSimilar to desktopsAdvantagesNetbookSimilar to a notebookFor wireless dialogue or access to the internetTabletsLooks similar to a notebookTouch screens capabilityServersA computer dedicated to shaaring resources among 2 or more computers and managing large amounts of data. Hand-held or Mobile ComputersAny figuring devices that fits in the palm of your hand and is portable. Cellular PhonesPersonal Digital Assistants (PDA)Music or Media Players (ipods ,Mp3)Game systems (wii, playstations)electronic Book Readers (kindle, Nook)CalculatorsLooking at the system unitsometimes called the Box or Tower. about expensive part of the computer system.Devices in the system Power supplyMother add-inMicro processor retentivityPower SupplySupply the necessary power to run components in the systemunit. MotherboardThe central printed circuit board in the system unit that holds many o f the crucial comporents. Connecting DevicesParallelSerialPortsUniversal Serial BUS(USB) communicate PortsUsed for connecting to anotheer computer on a network ,a modern ,or to the internet Ethernet of firewireDevice DriverTo change communication between the operating system and the device. What is a software Program?A step by step set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. Software applications are created using program languages. A complex code that activate functions and complete tasks. Computer software code is based on a set of rules called algerithms ErgonomicsFitting the job to the peoplewho have to do it,through the design of equipment and procedures. Fitting the person to the job, through use of placement procedures or training. Application requires matching tasks demands and environmental conditions with user characteristics. Ergonomics originated during the import world war to overcome performance failures due to human error in new full(prenominal) tech defe nse systems. Proper lighting for visionby utilizing prortable adjustable lamps for each workstations, and indirect lighting sources some grammatical case of blinds for windows to reduce glare including to the computer screens. Proper posture using adjustable desk and chairs with height.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Advantage and Disadvantage of Telecommunication

Communicating with patients The New Medicine Service (and MURs) provides a clod opportunity for pharmacists to elapse with patients on a one-to-one basis about their medicines and underlying medical condition(s). The NMS permits the interventions to be done either as a face-to-face appointment or via telephone. Cargonful consideration must be given as to which of these communication systems is adopted by the pharmacy as each method brings its own advantages and disadvantages. Although face-to-face communication would be the preferred method of conducting an intervention, it is likely that elephone interventions will be apply by most pharmacies at some stage. This brief guide will servicing you and your staff communicate more effectively when using the telephone as part of the NMS. The words we part make up less than 10% of the air we communicate in a face-toface situation, with the way we say these words (paralinguistics) and clay language making up the remaining percentage. When you be dealing with someone over the telephone you can non specify them, which deprives you of most of the information you would normally have about the different individual (body language, eye contact etc). cogitate article Disadvantages of Aquatic PlantsYou can base your judgements only on the words you can hear and the way they atomic number 18 being said, which can some clocks present challenges. Advantages and disadvantages Some of the advantages and disadvantages of telephone communication are surround communication Advantages of communicating by telephone ofteneasiertoreachsomeonebyphone than by trying to arrange to see them in soulfulness more favorable for patients morelikelytosucceedincontacting someone especially if a clock time / date has been agreed (few people are able to ignore the telephone and leave it ringing) telephoneconversationsare,onaverage, shorter than face-to-face conversations as its easier to control the conversation and production the initiative. Disadvantages of communicating by telephone itsmoredifficulttoestablisharapporton the telephone, as you dont have all the visual signals that help you to get on the same wavelength as the early(a) person whenphoningsomeoneitspossibleto intrude at an inconvenient time and not realise it itseasytoassumethatyouhavetheother persons undivided attention youaremorelikelytogetdistractedand let your attention wander itismoredifficulttoavoid misunderstandings you cannot use visual behaviour to get feedback on whether your message has been understood or if there are things left over(p) unsaid somethingsareimpossibletocheckover the telephone such as inhaler techniques youaremorelikelytobelieveyoucando other things at the same time as using the telephone DONT Voice matching Thefirstthreesecondsofaphonecall are important, as this is when the other person makes a judgement about the caller. When making an outgoing call listen to the pitch, speed, volume and tone of the other ersonsvoicewhentheyfirstspeakandtry to match it. Matching is a good way of building rapport, which can otherwise be difficultoverthetelephone,andmakesthe other person feel more comfortable. Tips for effective telephone interventions Opening the conversation NMS intervention Introduce yourself all the way and ask to speak to the patient using their preferred title / name. Check its still convenient to speak to the patient. If the patient is concerned about disclosing sensitive personal information over the telephone and cannot besatisfiedthatthecallerisringingfrom he pharmacy he / she may contact the pharmacy directly instead. Explain in a clear, plain manner the purpose of the call check the patient understands the nature of the NMS and the reasons for the discussion. Youshouldalsoconfirmconsentatthis stage. Inform the patient you will be asking a series of marvels about their new medicines and that you will be making notes as you go along. Listen to the patients responses as yo u work though the questions resist the temptation to interrupt. Demonstrate you are listening by making noises such as um, yes, and really.Use assertive behaviour to stay in control of the call use open / closed(a) questions as appropriate (open questions invite detailed answers whereas closed questions invite single word answers). Body language Body language, even though it cant be seen, can affect our voice when on the telephone. Therefore, think about your posture whilst on the phone. If you are comfortable and relaxed your voice is likely to reflect this. Remember to smile even though it cant be seen it will be heard and you will sound friendly and assertive. If you are standing up whilst n the telephone this can also make you sound more assertive, and it is another way of terminate a telephone call if you stand up during a conversation. Using a closed question for example is often helpful in stopping an enthusiastic patient digressing from appropriate lines of questioning. Do not rush through the call. Talk at the patients pace and pause after providing advice or offering solutions to a problem to allow the patient to air their views about this. Finally agree the time / date for any followup intervention. Remember to give the call your undivided attention

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Was Bismarck’s Foreign Policy 1871-90 a Success

The Aim of this essay is to essay capital of North Dakotas Foreign Policy from 1871-90 and come to a conclusion some whether it was a winner. Otto Von capital of North Dakota born on April 1, 1815 at Schonhausen and considered the founder of the German Empire. From 1862 to 1873 capital of North Dakota was prime minister of Prussia and from 1871 to 1890 he was Germanys first Chancellor. Once Germany was unified, von Bismarck noniced that Germany was under threat of attack from other countries surrounding it.Bismarck primarily wanted to avoid any challenges against the new European order and to unite the new German state, which faced domestic foe and great suspicion from the rest of Europe Bismarck wanted to do this, rather than seek merely territory or fight more state of wars, which would present Germanys unified country under a lot of pressure. Furthermore, France wanted revenge and therefore, Bismarck knew she had to be isolated. Part of Bismarcks foreign policy in which he was masteryful in achieving was the weakening and isolation of France.The former objective was attained by the peace extermination imposed on France by the conformity of Frankfurt, which implicated a freehanded war indemnity. The five chief(prenominal) powers in Europe were Great Britain, Russia, France, Austria- Hungary and Germany. Bismarck knew that to isolate France, he would have to form an alliance with at least dickens of them. Firstly, Bismarck knew that Britain would not present Bismarck with any problems as it was more touch with its have got empire than with the rest of Europe. Also, Britain was more pro-German than pro-French and therefore wouldnt protest at the isolation.Therefore in fear of a future two-fronted war, Bismarck managed to bring Germany, Austria Hungary and Russia together to form the Dreikaiserbund also known as the league of 3 emperors, in 1872/3. The aim of this alliance was to maintain existing borders in Europe battle and fight both social ism & republicanism, effectively slowly single out France. This Alliance was going well amid countries and serving its purpose until there was a war sc ar in 1875. Bismarck had previous convictions about Frances financial situation and he thought it would be an extremely long amount of term before France could pay back the wars indemnity.However, France managed to rec all over quickly and German troops were forced to leave France, scaring Bismarck and fueling Rumors of a war between Germany and France. Austria-Hungary and Britain greatly disapproved of a war between these 2 countries. This put immense amount of pressure on Bismarck and he was forced to drop his ideas about isolating France until he knew that France would no longer have reasons to attack Germany. Another reason that the Dreikaiserbund was not a success was the Russo Turkish War in which Russia was victorious in. this caused a accord in Bulgaria to be enlarged.This did not cheer Britain and Austria Hungary and s oon Russia, Germany, Austria Hungary and Britain were locked in diplomatic arguments. The Congress of Berlin left Russia very disappointed especially at Bismarcks role (Bulgaria was divided into three small states), Russia withdrew from the Dreikaiserbund. This resulted in the fall of the Dreikaiserbund, because of the impossibility to renew it with Russia not baffling and therefore showing that the Dreikaiserbund was a failure which weakened Germanys control over their foreign policies.In 1879, the Dual Alliance between Austria and Germany was formed. This was definitely a success for Bismarck. Austria and Germany agreed that if either one of them was attacked by Russia, the other will provide military support. They also decided that if either was attacked by any other European country, then the other would be neutral throughout any conflicts that resulted. Although the treaty itself was made public, the price were kept secret. This treaty was renewed every(prenominal) five year s until 1914.This alliance was such a success for Bismarck, chiefly because he managed to maintain a permanent ally in case of any war that Germany would be involved in. Soon after the Dual Alliance in 1881, Bismarck understood that he needed to rekindle relations with Russia and therefore created a renewal of the Dreikaiserbund. Bismarck hoped that this organization would help to pore tensions between Austria and Russia in the Balkans. It was agreed that the Western Balkans would be dominated by the Austrians and the Eastern half by the Russians.This was a success at the beginning because, again, Bismarck managed to keep on the right side of every country with all the alliances and this one benefitted every county involved. However, events in the Balkans were to disrupt Bismarcks aims. Between 1885 and 1887 the Bulgarian crisis saw relations between Austria and Russia deteriorate. Moreover, worryingly there was a lot of pro French thought in Russia. In 1887 the Dreikaiserbund en ded as Russia made it clear she would sign no further agreement with Austria. However, in 1882, Bismarck created the triple alliance.This was an alliance of peace and friendship and was an extension of the Austro-German Dual Alliance to include Italy. Under the provisions of this treaty, Germany and Austria-Hungary promised to assist Italy if she were attacked by France, and vice versa Italy was bound to lend aid to Germany or Austria-Hungary if France stated war against either. Moreover, if one of the countries should find themselves at war the others would provide assistance. However, this alliance did not have the homogeneous security and the Dreikaiserbund seeing as Italy is only considered half a European power.Moreover, Italy specified in the treaty that it could not be called upon to go into war with Britain. These were successes in the short term as Bismarck achieved his goals of allying with two other great powers and also kept them happy. Soon after, a re-insurance treaty was introduced due to the Austro-Russian rivalry over Bulgaria leading to the collapse of the Second threesome Emperors League. The reinsurance treaty mean valuet that Russia and Germany would be neutral unless Russia attacked Austria Hungary or Germany attacked France.By creating this treaty, Bismarck had been able to prevent his nightmare a two front war, from being realized. However, peace did not mean security, and so neither the re-insurance treaty nor the triple alliance can be considered as a long-run success. Throughout the years there was extreme Austro-Russian rivalry over Bulgaria According to the terms of the Second Three Emperors League, Bulgaria was recognized as a Russian sphere of influence The Bulgarians were experiencing an awakening of national self reason and did not want to be dominated by the Russians.In 1885, in defiance of the Treaty of Berlin, the Bulgarians get together Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia. Russia objected to the emergence of a large anti-Ru ssian state but Austria and Britain gave their recognition to the union of Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia. Russia hated the Austrians for breaking the terms of the Second Three Emperors League and allowed the League to lapse in 1887. A large indication on how successful Bismarcks wereimportnatf ecn dncgreat reat foreign policies were would be the fact that once Bismarck resigned, Germanys foreign relations immediately began to fall apart.Bismarck successfully guarded Germany. In 1890, Bismarck wanted to renew the Re-Insurance Treaty Russia was also keen on doing so. The Kaiser was against renewing the Re-Insurance Treaty because he believed he could rely on his own personal relations (he had a close relationship with the tsar, owing to them being cousins). Bismarck offered his resignation, due to his foiling and the Kaiser accepted it, but prevented him from publishing his reasons for dismissal.In 1891 there was an informal agreement between the Russians the French and French minis ters visited Russia and in 1893 they formed a complete military alliance, an extremely dangerous move against Germany, and one which they would regret. In conclusion, I believe that to a certain extent Bismarcks Foreign policy from 1871-90 was a success. For example, The Dual alliance between Austria and Germany In 1879, this alliance was such a success for Bismarck, chiefly because he managed to maintain a permanent ally in case of any war that Germany would be involved in.It seemed that Bismarcks goal in achieving the weakening of France and isolating it was well achieved in his time. Even when it seems that his plans are failing, he finds a way around that for example the re-insurance treaty. However, to a certain extent Bismarcks Foreign policy from 1871-90 was not a success shown in the collapse of both Dreikaiserbund. Moreover many could argue that if one was to look at things in the long term, Bismarck was in fact not successful at all in his foreign policies.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Famous American Criminal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

The Famous American Criminal - Essay ExampleHe beheaded twelve of his victims and kept some heads at his flatcar as a memento. Occasionally, he would break into peoples homes in the middle of the night and grow them to death. Bundy was initially charged in the year 1975 in the US state of Utah for kidnapping and act murder, which led to a long list of cases of murders in different states. Bundy managed to escape the prison twice from 1975 forward during which, he committed more murders. He was ultimately captured in the year 1978 in Florida. In devil distinct trials, Bundy was given three death sentences for the murders he had committed in Florida. Bundy expressed his views upon the art of abomination in these words, You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details. Its like changing a tire. The initial time youre careful. By the thirtieth time, you cant remember where you left the lug wrench (Bundy cited in Ted Bundy Quotes). Bundy attributed his madness and dera ngement to the stuff shown in the media. At one point, he said, there lots of other kids playing in streets around this country to daytime who are going to be dead tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day and month, because other young people are reading the kinds of things and seeing the kinds of things that are available in the media today (Bundy cited in The 14 Creepiest). Although he confessed having killed 30 women, the true number was never revealed by him (Bell). Ted Bundy was executed on 24 January 1989. He was executed on an electric chair at Floridas Raiford Prison.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

My Investment Choices Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Investment Choices - Assignment ExampleInitial dollar estimates are encouraged typically at this stage, however, they are not yet completely validated. On the basis of the strategic goals, it is necessary to take aim three broad categories of potential integrating (in the three central columns), and eventually, they place each major secrete into one of these three categories, to reflect the level of integration required for obtaining optimized results (Camp, 2002).2. It is attainable to minimize full integration but accepts minimal integration. Selected corporate and staff functions will be merged and consolidated, primarily to achieve staffing synergies and cost-efficiencies. any strategic and day-to-day operating decisions will remain autonomous and decentralized, with agreed-upon requirements for reporting to the parent company (Reed-Lajoux and Elson 2000). Also, it is possible to minimize the integration of culture and organizational structure. Few initiatives or response s change the configurations or the environment of a company more visibly and dramatically than an acquisition does.3. The main emotional and personal reasons to start a business is to obtain a high social position in society and respect. Many raft start a venture in order to communicate with new people and self-actualize.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Eassay Analysis (human resources) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eassay Analysis (human resources) - Essay utilisationIt guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, handicraft, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications Persons with HIV disease, both symptomatic and asymptomatic, have physical impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities and are, therefore, protected by the law. (1)A. The act of Marion County in requiring an applicant be aesculapianly examined prior to either offer of a job is illegal. In a decided case it was ruled that the Chicago Board of Educations requirement for any job applicant to provide a complete medical history and to submit to a medical examination is tantamount to requiring HIV status disclosure and is thus violative of the Disabilities Act (adenosine deaminase), the Rehabilitation Act, and federal official and State constitutional guarantees to privacy and equal protection under the law.(3) Thus the Board agr eed non require applicants to submit to the medical exam unless they have a conditional offer of employment. (4)B. The act of denying Mr. Poole employment on account that he has AIDS. This allegation by Mr. Poole must first be proven. For him to find a basis for his allegation he must be found to possess all of the followingThe ADA prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. A qualified individual with a disability is a soulfulness who meets legitimate skill, experience, education, or other requirements of an employment position he or she holds or seeks, and who can commit the essential functions of the position with or without priming coatable accommodation. (5)Essential functions of the job are those core duties that are the reason the job position existsRequiring the ability to perform essential functions assures that an individual with a disability will non be considered unqualified because

Sunday, May 12, 2019

War Propaganda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

War Propaganda - Essay ExampleTherefore, the poster is both benevolent to the male population while being simultaneously convincing.The riding habit of the American flag combined with a soldier blowing a trumpet is appealing. The actions of the soldier rhyme with the posters message the call to debt instrument. Additionally, the poster invokes patriotism in people who happen to view it. Thus, they view that it is their duty to join the the States and defend their home country from invaders or enemies. Moreover, the posters simplicity is quite attractive. It implies that it is every citizens duty to be in the armed forces.The poster is catchy since it uses children in its campaign. Naturally, children tend to influence their nurtures decisions and choices. Thus, a child will encourage his/her parents to purchase war saving stamps. Also, the poster signifies that Uncle surface-to-air missile cares for his children since one of the children is sitted in his arm. In addition to this , the posters message can be understand to mean that the war is going on for the sake of protecting American children from their enemies. Therefore, I like the use of children in war posters in an attempt to attract more support for the army. If Uncle Sam loses the war, its the children who start out the most, hence the need for children to support the American army.I chose this poster mainly because its message is based on land. It implies that anyone joining the army would help spread democracy to regions experiencing dictatorial rule. Thus, the army will be liberating the lie in of the world from oppression. On the other hand, the poster ensures that every American citizen is thinking and believing that the main agreement Americas involved in the war is to spread democracy around the world. This is a knowing way to manipulate the public by the government. Since time immemorial, the good side has always been fighting for democracy and liberation from dictators. Due to the po ster basing its

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legalization of Marijuana - Research Paper sampleThe same way, if people were adapted to look past the intoxicating nature of cannabis that leads to its ab subprogram, they would be able to find several positive characteristics of this substance, which can be used to the advantage of several causes. These characteristics are plentiful, and hence reinforce the idea that marijuana should be legalized. One very well known medical use of marijuana is in the manipulation and control of glaucoma (, 2011). This disease affects several people every year. The main symbol is intraocular pressure in the eye, which is an elevated pressure, which causes centre damage and impairs the vision of the patient, sometimes to the extent of blindness. While marijuana is not always stand byful in curing this disease, it has an active ingredient THC, which helps reduce the intraocular pressure in the eye. This does not cure the patients glaucoma completely. However, it does prevent some o f the irreparable nerve damage that glaucoma causes, and decele appraises the rate of blindness onset for the patient (Jacob, pp. 75-120). Experts (Jacob, pp. 75-120) often criticize this use of marijuana as a glaucoma treatment collectable to two sources. First, they object to employing a psychoactive substance for medicinal purposes, because it has several disadvantages and side set up such as addictiveness and intoxication. However, it is important to note that the alleviation of the symptom of such a disease crystalise the side effects seem small in comparison to the greater benefit that it provides the patients. The second reason why the use of marijuana is criticized is that it does not actually cure the patients glaucoma, but wholly delays the onset of the severe symptoms (Jacob, pp. 75-120). That is, there is no real cure attached with this treatment it only controls them luxuriant to cause a delay in the patient becoming blind or incurring nerve damage. Again, it is i mportant to note to view the situation from the patients perspective, who would welcome any delay in the onset of such impairing symptoms. Thus, this should provide some grounds for the consideration of the legalization of marijuana. Apart from this, an even greater medicinal use for marijuana is as a painkiller. The University of California conducted several studies (California Secretary of State, 2010), which concluded that marijuana could be a very effectual painkiller for patients suffering diseases like cancer, HIV, and multiple sclerosis (Doheny, pp. 1-3). crabmeat patients in the final stages of cancer experience high levels of pain to which ordinary painkillers are highly ineffective, confidential information to a high level of suffering for these dying patients. Marijuana, besides its infamous reputation as a highly abused psychoactive substance, is also a very effective painkiller, which can greatly help decrease the pain of such patients (Messerli, pp. 1). However, it does not receive the due importance in this area due to its controversial nature. Furthermore, studies have confirmed its effectiveness as a painkiller for people suffering from spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis. All these conditions cause extreme pain to the patient, and hardly any of the painkillers administered to them are effective enough to alleviate the pain. Therefore, the government should consider the use of

Friday, May 10, 2019

Kentuckys Educational System; Argument by Definition, Evaluation, and Essay

Kentuckys Educational corpse Argument by Definition, Evaluation, and Proposal - Essay ExampleThis essay declares that education in Kentucky encompasses elementary give instruction such as kindergarten to fifth crisscross, middle school also called junior high that starts from sixth grade to eighth grade, and high school starting from ninth to twelfth grade. The system also includes post secondary coil institutions. Many Kentucky colleges and schools have an accreditation of various Associations of Colleges and Schools in the region. However, Kentucky education suffers from a common negative stigma kindred other Southern states.This paper makes a conclusion that the system emphasizes on various take aims where capacitor mental synthesis takes place. The initial focus is that of having individual officers, precisely from government management and planning teams are participating in remodeling the system. Also, organizational goals revolve around improving the overall effectiven ess of the methods and incentivizing better teamwork in education. The other level includes that of developing public service reforms to have a fundamental national leadership while adapting to the respective(prenominal) administration circumstances. Lastly, the levels of external assistance from international and bilateral agencies need to have a long-term servant leading into a critical transfer for skills, precisely within the fragile state of Kentucky. The development system can be prepared together with international education organizations focusing on the development of capacity across areas of quality and equity, leadership, organization, institutions, and knowledge generation.