Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Seattle Essay Example for Free
Seattle Essay Dr. Tom Kerns, Introduction to Bioethics, http://www. bioethicscourse. info/casesite/cs-torture. html GEPE 4040Â Ethical Dimensions Contemporary Affairs Prof. : Milosz Mariusz Jacko, Ph. D. At 9:30am a phone call was received at The Seattle Times from a person claiming to have placed a bomb at an undisclosed location in downtown Seattle. The caller indicated the device was set to detonate at 2pm the same day. The device was described as a small yield nuclear device capable of massive collateral damage and loss of life for ten square blocks in downtown Seattle. The possibility of destruction, injury, and further loss of life outside the initial blast radius is apparent. The caller did not specify any demands before terminating the call after 20 seconds. The assumption of credibility is leant to this threat because over the past several weeks there have been a series of unsolved bombings. Before each of these prior bombings a similar phone call was reported. With this particular threat there are important and notable differences. This scenario has a grievous magnitude described by the unidentified caller and there is a suspect in custody of law enforcement. The suspect in custody has not yielded any information disclosing the location of the explosive device. For 90 minutes, the authorities in custody of this suspect have employed aggressive interrogation techniques in order to persuade the suspect to cooperate to no avail. The bomb is set to explode in the next 90 minutes. With time running out, it was suggested that the suspect be tortured in order to get the captured man to disclose the location of the nuclear device.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Closure of Public OHV Areas Essay -- Off Highway Vehicles Transportati
Closure of Public OHV Areas Some years ago a new form of recreation came about known as an Off Highway Vehicle(OHV). Today these high powered, light weight vehicles come in many forms with anywhere from four to two wheels. There are many areas across the United States for such vehicles to be driven but as of today there are some groups out there who wish to close the areas in which these vehicles can be used. One area in particular, located outside of Yuma on the California and Arizona border has been subjected to many threats recently and those who use the land for its recreational purposes have had to fight to keep the land that was originally granted to them for use by the US government. This one area is what many would call a second home. Land has already been shut off to recreational use and if unchecked these activist groups could take away the rest. A few years ago the American Sand Association agreed to have over 49,000 acres of the imperial sand dunes in southern California temporarily closed (James Gilbert). This would allow the Center for Biological Diversity(CBD) to conduct a study on a plant that they say is endangered. They said that with the use of OHV’s in close proximity to these plants they would soon be extinct. â€Å"After extensive research by both parties it was found that the survival of the Pierson's Milkvetch Plant (PMV) has no correlation whatsoever to the congestion of OHV’s in a particular area†(Mr.Dune). One would think that this would leave the activists with nothing left to complain about and that the re-opening of the dunes would be the next step in the progression of the cycle. To assume this would be a large fallacy though because as soon as the CBD’s argument of the endangered plant ... ...ease. To the citizens in the rest of the United States things can be totally taken out of context and portrayed by the CBD in any way they feel is necessary. With the growing numbers of people joining the American Sand Association and other such groups to show their support for the re-opening of the dunes, things will soon get complicated for the CBD and they may finally decide to back down from their podium. Citations †¢ ABC Network Affiliates. 23 March 2003 †¢ JAMES GILBERT. "Dune closure draws mixed reviews." YumaSun Nov 22, 2002. 23 March 2003 †¢ Mr. Dune. Mr. Dune Speaks Out American Sand Association. 23 March 2003
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Lakeside Case Exercise Template Essay
(a) Compute the financial ratios listed in Exhibit 3-2 for Lakeside for the years ended December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2011. Comment on any large fluctuations, unusual fluctuations, or lack of expected fluctuations. Also, give an overall conclusion as to the significance of the change in Lakeside’s liquidity, solvency, and profitability positions from 2010 to 2011. Use the following format. [Use Case3.xls for a spreadsheet to compute the ratios]. Ratio 2010 2011 Significance of Change Current 1.35 1.35 No significant fluctuation, indicating a stable liquidity position (based on this measure of liquidity) Average Days Inventory on Hand Average Days to Collect Receivables Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio Times Interest Earned Profit Margin Return on Assets Return on Equity Overall Conclusion: (b)Compare the year 2011 financial ratios computed for Lakeside above to the industry average ratios included in Exhibit 3-3. Comment on any large fluctuations, unusual fluctuations, or lack of expected fluctuations. Also, give an overall conclusion as to the significance of the difference between Lakeside’s liquidity, solvency, and profitability positions in 2011 and the industry average positions. Use the following format. Ratio Industry Ave. Lakeside 2011 Significance of Change Current 2.16 1.35 Lakeside is below the industry average. This may indicate short-term solvency problems Average Days Inventory on Hand Average Days to Collect Receivables Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio Times Interest Earned Profit Margin Return on Assets Return on Equity Overall Conclusion: (c)Scan each of the financial statements and the trial balances included in Exhibits 3-4 through 3-7. Comment on any unusual accounts, account balances, or large, unusual, or lack of expected fluctuations from the previous year. You should find at least 10 items. [Note: you may have more than one â€Å"finding†for each procedure]. Use the following format: Procedure Findings Significance Scan the trial balance. 1. A debit balance appears in the â€Å"Allowance for Doubtful Accounts†account. 2. 1. Bad accounts may be increasing or a debit entry may have been misposted. 2. Scan the income statement. Scan the balance sheet. Scan the statement of cash flows.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Age Of Infancy And Early Childhood - 1358 Words
Beginning with the first years of life the early influences of biological and social clocks how children develop and how they gain confidence and curiosity are exposed. The age of Infancy and early childhood we don’t need lot stuff for them. The Story starts in the countryside in Pennsylvania a family farm a story starts beginnings with a simple, wondrous story on this family farm a story where everyone is awaiting a child. It’s the story of human Development that what the season of life is all about. When we look a long period of time over a lifetime, we see a change in our lifestyle. We are taking what is called a life-span perspective, it an exciting way to look at our lives from a different angle. This Movie talks about growth and†¦show more content†¦Justin was born, he was 6lb 30z everyone has come and visits him. His great grandfather is the keeper of all the stories. He is the one that tells the family stories when they meet up together. He is the one t hat tell Justin all the crazy stuff he did to his parents and him growing up. Have a child so small is hard because she is not going to be able to do the work she did before. Having a child is a hand full and a lot of responsililtes. Fiscal policy uses changes in taxes and government spending to affect overall spending and stabilize the economy. When lowering taxes the people have more to spend than the government decreases spending and the economy slows down therefore the economy stabilizes. The objective of fiscal policy is the governments’ typical use fiscal policy to promote strong and sustainable growth and reduce poverty. Their family was making money out of there farm. Family stories are very go because they tell us who we are as a family what we think about natural and the way life is. It likes a social; womb that our child is in. Justin looks just like his father in his picture, but his picture was black and white. He looks like his father, but does he grow up to be like his father a farmer. We all have different roads in our life sometimes our kids don’t like the stuff we do and they have a passion for something else. It hard to make our children follow the same footsteps as we did with our parents. There areShow MoreRelatedPlay Time : A Child s Work1135 Words  | 5 Pageschild’s development in early childhood. Play is a child’s work, it is how they begin to learn and grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally at a young age. In addition, play-time also helps introduce and initiate proper motor skills and cognitive thinking. Play-time involving mother and child is equally important because it is helping build the connection between parent and child. 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