Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Investigating The Characteristics Of A Filament Lamp Essay Example
Investigating The Characteristics Of A Filament Lamp Essay Aim: To investigate how the current in a component changes as the voltage is altered. Prediction: As the voltage in the filament lamp increases, more current will flow through the circuit, causing the tungsten filament to get hotter. According to Ohms law (R =V/I), the resistance in the circuit will therefore increase. Scientific Knowledge: In order to give reason for the prediction above, already proven scientific theory can be used. A number of factors can affect how the current in a component, such as a filament lamp, can change as the voltage is altered. A predominant factor is the resistance in the circuit. The resistance in a circuit can be worked out by employing Ohms law, which declares that the resistance in a wire is equal to the voltage (V) over current (I). The final answer is given in Ohms, or (?), and the results can be displayed on a line graph and a line of best fit can be drawn. We will write a custom essay sample on Investigating The Characteristics Of A Filament Lamp specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Investigating The Characteristics Of A Filament Lamp specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Investigating The Characteristics Of A Filament Lamp specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The overall resistance in a wire can be affected, in itself, by a number of different factors. These are: i.) The length of the wire: As the length of wire increases, the total resistance in the circuit will also increase. This is because the electrons in the circuit have to get past positive ions in order to travel around the circuit. Therefore, as the length of the wire increases, the wire will contain more positive ions, and the electrons will have to pass more positive ions in order to travel around the circuit. Travelling past the positive ions causes the electrons to use up more energy just to travel around, and so the resistance shall also increase. ii.) The number of components in a circuit: Electrons require more energy to travel through components in a circuit than if they merely through just a plain wire. Therefore, the more components in a circuit, the higher the resistance will be. iii.)The cross sectional area of a wire: As the cross-sectional area of a wire increases, the resistance in the circuit will decrease. This is because there is more room in the wire for electrons to pass through, and therefore less energy is wasted as the electrons move through the circuit. iv.) Material of the wire: Some materials are better conductors of electricity than others. The better the conductor, the less resistance there will be in the wire and the easier it is for electrons to flow around the circuit. v.) Temperature of wire: As the temperature of the wire increases, the resistance in the wire also increases. Invented by Thomas Edison (1847-1931), the filament light bulb is a common feature in practically every modern home around the world. In theory the structure of a filament light bulb is quite simple. At the base of the light bulb there are two small metal contacts, which connect into a circuit. These contacts are attached to two stiff wires, which are in turn attached to a thin metal filament, hence the name filament lamp. The filament is a long thin piece of metal wire, which is coiled, and then coiled again. The filament is constructed in such a manner to make the resistance in the wire as high as possible. This is because, as the resistance in the wire increases, the filament in the lamp heats up more quickly, and therefore causing the filament to also glow more quickly. To increase the resistance in the wire, and also the temperature, the filament is made out of a metal, a good conductor of electricity, the cross-sectional area of the wire is as small as possible, in order to inc rease the resistance. Finally, the filament is coiled tightly twice so the length of the wire can be as long as possible. This is because as length of the wire increases, the resistance will also increase. The most commonly used material to manufacture the metal element out of is tungsten, chosen because of its high melting temperature. The tungsten filament sits in the middle of a bulb, held up by a glass mount, and the wires and filament are housed in a glass bulb which is filled with an inert glass, such as argon. The whole objective of a filament lamp is to pass electrical current through the tungsten filament in order to give off light. However, as well as giving off light, heat is also given off as wasted energy, which has no usage. As the voltage increases, the current flowing through the filament will also increase, meaning both more light and heat are also given off. Filament lamps are not particularly efficient as most of the energy produced is given off as heat energy, which has no use, instead of light energy. Inert gases are used in the glass bulb of a filament lamp to reduce the evaporation of the tungsten filament, which therefore greatly prolongs the life of the bulb, making it more economical. In order to investigate the characteristics of a filament lamp, a simple circuit could be set up in order to discover how much the current in the circuit changes as the voltage is altered. From these two results, Ohms law could be employed to work out the resistance. The results could then be plotted onto a number of line graphs in order to prove the prediction either correct or incorrect. If the results from an experiment involving current and voltage are plotted onto a line graph and the line of best fit forms a straight line, the current (I) is therefore proportional to the voltage (V), an indication of Ohms law. As well as being a useful method for working out the resistance in a circuit (R=V/I), Ohms law also states that the steeper a graph will be, the lower the resistance in the circuit. The flatter the graph is, the higher the resistance. A substance which produces a straight graph such like this is referred to as an Ohmic conductor. Copper wire and all other metals give this shape of graph, unless a change in temperature occurs. It is a scientifically proven fact that filament lamps are non-ohmic conductors because any results taken from experiments involving filament lamps do not produce straight lines with the values recorded. Instead, successful experiments result in the line of best fit becoming a gentle curve towards the top end of the graph. However, as it says above, the material most commonly used to manufacture filament lamps is tungsten, a metal. As the lines of best fit for all experiments involving current, voltage and metals are an indication of Ohms law, unless a change of temperature occurs. It is therefore possible to state that a change of temperature does indeed occur when a filament lamp is used in a circuit. As the voltage in a circuit is increased, more current will flow. As more current flows the metal filament will get hotter, causing the resistance to increase. This will cause the line of best fit to become flatter as the voltage increases. In order to determine which instruments and what values would be suitable to ensure that the best results possible could be obtained from the experiment, a preliminary investigation should be carried out, using potential apparatus. From these results the range of measurements needed could also be discovered. After carrying out the preliminary investigation, the best way to display the results from the main investigation itself would be to record each repeat into a simple results table, and then to work out the average current. Once the mean current has been calculated, the resistance could be also calculated. It is important to repeat the experiment a number of times, as if the experiment was only calculated once, the result would not be as accurate, and would be more likely to be anomalous. After both the mean current and the average resistance had been mathematically calculated, line graphs could be drawn and compared against the typical filament lamp graph above. In all graphs, the voltage should feature along the x axis as it is what is being controlled and changed in order to see what effect change will have on the current. A conclusion can be drawn by analysing graphs of the results recorded and comparing the graph with the typical filament lamp graph. The more similar the graphs collected from the results are to the typical filament lamp graph, the more accurate the experiment has been. However, if the graphs begin to show the shape of the filament lamp graph, yet do not fully show the shape, the investigation could be extended by taking more recordings, and drawing a new graph. The investigation could be extended further by using the same circuit to investigate a different component, such as an electric heater and seeing how the current in the heater changes as the voltage is altered. Alternatively, a different variable could be controlled, such as the number of components in a circuit, instead of the voltage. Already during the course of this academic year, I have carried out a number of experiments in class involving different components, such as diodes, although not in as much detail. The circuit diagram used in this experiment could merely be adapted from the other experiments, substituting the previous components for the filament lamp. Bibliography of Scientific Knowledge: i.) How Light Bulbs Work ii.) The Scientific Career of Thomas Edison iii.)Physics For You by Keith Johnson iv.) GCSE Physics Revision Guide Published by CGP publications Variables: i.) Cross-sectional area of the filament ii.) Material type of the filament iii.) Length of the filament iv.) Voltage flowing through the circuit *NB: As the voltage is increased during the course of the investigation, more current will flow through the wire, causing the temperature to increase. It is already known that temperature affects the resistance in a circuit, yet, it cannot be controlled as a variable because the filament glows, giving off light and heat as energy, as it reaches a high temperature. Therefore, if the temperature was controlled as part of fair testing, the filament would not glow, and there would be no experiment! Chosen Variable: Voltage, as it can be easily controlled and accurately changed and measured, thus giving a conclusive range of results, and values which can be plotted easily onto a graph. Apparatus: Filament Lamp DC Power Supply Ammeter Voltmeter Wires Circuit Diagram: Fair Testing and Safety: In order to make the results acquired as accurate as possible, each voltage should be repeated three times, and the mean average of these three should be taken as the final reading. This would increase accuracy. The same pieces of apparatus should be used for each repeat, as even a slight variation in a piece of the apparatus such as the length of one wire may change the resistance in the circuit. Although the internal temperature in the filament lamp will increase as a indirect result of the voltage in the circuit being increased, the external temperature should be kept as consistent as possible. This is because the external temperature may affect the temperature of the wire, causing the electrons to gain more energy. All typical safety rules for lab work should be followed. These include no running whilst experiments are in progress, hair tied back, jewellery tucked away and carrying out all experiments on benches clear of school books and standing up with stools tucked under benches. Also, as the voltage is increased more current flows through the circuit. As this happens, it is extremely likely that the apparatus shall become hot, so particular care should be taken whilst handling it. In order to protect the benches, any apparatus which is likely to become hot should be placed on a heatproof mat. Preliminary Measurements: To get an idea of what range of measurements would get the best results, a circuit was set up using all of the apparatus which would be included in the final experiment. The preliminary investigation was also useful to discover whether I would prefer to use analogue meters or digital meters in the final experiment. After increasing the DC voltage by different ranges each time, using both types of meters, I concluded that it would be best to start from 0.5V and to finish at 6V, increasing in steps of 0.5V each time. This would give me quite an extensive range of numerical results. After this range had been repeated two more times, I could work out the mean current, and from the mean current I could work out the average resistance. Once I had discovered the average resistance, I could plot this value on the graph. When all the values had been plotted on the graph, a line of best fit could be drawn. By using both the meters in the preliminary measurements, I decided to work with the digital meters in order to measure the voltage. This was because I felt that it was easier to read accurately the voltage on the meter than with the analogue meters. On the analogue meters the needle kept moving around quickly, and did not seem to stabilize on one single value. Number of Repeats: 2 (three in total) Number of Measurements: 36 in total Range of Measurements: 0.5V 6.0V (12 individual measurements per repeat) Method: The circuit diagram mentioned above was set up using the specified apparatus. The fair test and safety requirements were strictly followed. The voltage was increased from 0.5V to 6.0V, in steps of 0.5V each time. The results gained were recorded in a table, and once the voltage had been increased up to 6V, the experiment was repeated twice more. Once all the required values had been gained, the three separate results for each voltage were added together and divided by three, in order to find the average current. Once this had been discovered, Ohms law (R=V/I) was employed to work out the resistance in ?. This mathematical process was repeated for each of the voltages. These values were then plotted onto a line graph with intention of discovering if the experiment followed the general trend of graphs involving filament lamps not being straight lines, therefore making them non-ohmic conductors. After graphs had been plotted showing the relationship between voltage and current, the graphs were analysed and any anomalous results were accounted for. The graphs then were used in order to draw a conclusion and to help explain how the current in the lamp changed as the voltage was altered. Results: Voltage (V) Current (I) 1st Repeat Current (I) 2nd Repeat Current (I) 3rd Repeat Average Current (I) Average Resistance ? 0.5 0.51 0.60 0.57 0.56 0.89 1.0 0.63 0.69 0.68 0.67 1.49 1.5 0.70 0.77 0.75 0.74 2.03 2.0 0.80 0.82 0.82 0.81 2.47 2.5 0.87 0.90 0.88 0.88 2.84 3.0 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.95 3.16 3.5 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.00 3.50 4.0 1.05 1.07 1.07 1.06 3.77 4.5 1.10 1.12 1.12 1.11 4.05 5.0 1.15 1.18 1.17 1.17 4.27 5.5 1.21 1.22 1.21 1.21 4.55 6.0 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.26 4.76 For each different voltage, the three current repeats were added together and then divided by three to calculate mathematically an average current. From these results, a line graph was plotted using the voltage (V) and the average current (I), in order to discover how the average current in the circuit changed as the voltage was increased. There were no anomalous results present on the graph, which is an indication that the test was carried out fairly and accurately. However, the line of best fit only began to curve slightly towards the end of the results, and therefore was starting to show that the filament lamp in an non-ohmic conductor. I then decided to extend the range of results until 10.0V, again taking three repeats of the current. In order to continue ensuring that the test was indeed fair, I used the same equipment as I did for the first part of the results. I followed the safety and fair testing requirements as strictly as before. Results (Part ii): Voltage (V) Current (I) 1st Repeat Current (I) 2nd Repeat Current (I) 3rd Repeat Average Current (I) Average Resistance ? 6.5 1.31 1.32 1.31 1.31 5.00 7.0 1.34 1.35 1.35 1.35 5.19 7.5 1.39 1.38 1.39 1.39 5.40 8.0 1.41 1.44 1.42 1.42 5.63 8.5 1.48 1.45 1.43 1.45 5.86 9.0 1.47 1.47 1.46 1.47 6.12 9.5 1.51 1.49 1.50 1.50 6.33 10.0 1.52 1.52 1.53 1.52 6.58 Although the aim of the investigation was to discover the relationship between voltage and current in a filament lamp, I also took the average resistance and plotted it against the voltage to show that as the voltage is increased in a circuit, the resistance will also increase, due to the change in temperature which occurs as a result of more energy flowing through the filament. Voltage (V) Resistance ? 0.5 0.89 1.0 1.49 1.5 2.03 2.0 2.47 2.5 2.84 3.0 3.16 3.5 3.50 4.0 3.77 4.5 4.05 5.0 4.27 5.5 4.55 6.0 4.76 6.5 5.00 7.0 5.19 7.5 5.40 8.0 5.63 8.5 5.86 9.0 6.12 9.5 6.33 10.0 6.58 Analysis of Results: The second line graph showing the relationship between the voltage and the average current in a filament lamp produces a curve. The curve begins very slightly at first and then gradually becomes steeper; similar to the one of x2 . It shows that as the voltage was increased, the current that was flowing through the wire also increased. There were no identifiable anomalous results in either of the two graphs showing the voltage/current relationship. The line graph showing the relationship between the voltage and the average resistance in the filament lamp also produces a curve extremely similar to that of the line graph showing the relationship between the voltage and the average current. There is only one identifiable anomalous result on the voltage/average resistance graph at 7.0V. This is most likely to be down to human error when recording the results either during the experiment or when plotting the graph. It may have also been a mistake made when calculating the average resistance, but as I checked all the resistances three times, this scenario is less likely. Conclusion: From the results recorded and the line graphs produced of the results, I feel that I have proved my prediction from the beginning of the investigation correct. The results turned out as I expected, because they show that the filament lamp was indeed a non-ohmic conductor. This is because as the chosen variable of voltage was increased, more current flowed through the circuit, yet it did not obey Ohms law (R=V/I) because the voltage was not directly proportional to the current, causing the line of best fit to curve. All graphs drawn from the results values were similar to the typical non-ohmic conductor sketch graph I included in the scientific knowledge. As the both the voltage and the current in the circuit were increased, the temperature also increased. This was also reflected on the line graphs as it is already accepted that the higher the temperature is in a circuit, the higher the resistance will be. It is already widely scientific knowledge that Ohms law also states that the steeper the line of best fit is in a graph such as this one, the lower the resistance will be in a circuit and the flatter the line of best fit, the higher the resistance. Therefore, as the voltage increased, the line began to curve and become flatter, because of the higher temperature, and higher resistance, in the circuit. Evaluation: As the aim of the investigation was fulfilled, and my prediction was proved correct, I feel that it was successful. I also think that the results were accurate enough to prove the hypothesis correct, as the measures taken to ensure that the results were taken under entirely fair conditions were strict. I also think that the results are reliable because the experiment was repeated three times and the average current was taken as the final result, which would be more accurate than taking merely the one set of results and plotting those values on the graph. The results were taken within one double period in the laboratory, allowing my group to use the same equipment for each repeat. When it was discovered that the first set of results only began to show the curve, the circuit was fortunately still set up, allowing us to continue from where we left off. However, this is the only part of the investigation where the fair testing was slightly lax, as the filament lamp had had a chance to cool down when we started to continue the experiment, meaning that the resistance in the circuit would probably have decreased slightly. With hindsight, I should have drawn graphs using the preliminary results, which would have shown that the values only started to curve. We would have then known to continue to 10V without stopping for a while at 6V. Out of the three line graphs I drew from the final results, there was only one identifiable anomalous result, in the graph showing the relationship between the voltage and the average resistance in the lamp. However, as it only just did not fit in with the line of best fit it may have been down to human error whilst reading from the ammeter, or whilst it was plotted onto the graph. It is relatively easy to make such a mistake when recording results because there are so many to read from the ammeter, and it fluctuates rapidly before settling on a final result. By choosing to use digital ammeters rather than analogue ammeters, I feel I decreased the chance of human error as it is easier to read a LCD screen which fluctuates rather than a swinging needle. Human error could also be reduced by being allowed to take more time over the experiment; more repetitions of the results would make anomalies more obvious and increase the reliability of the results further. This investigation could be extended by choosing to look at other variables which would affect the rate of resistance, such as the material which the wire is made from, the cross-sectional area of the wire, the number of components in the circuit, or the length of the wire. A different component, such as an electrical heater, could also be investigated with the variable of voltage.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
9 Different Minerals Used as Abrasives
9 Different Minerals Used as Abrasives Abrasives today are largely precision-manufactured substances, but natural mineral abrasives are often still used. A good abrasive mineral is not just hard, but also tough and sharp. It must be plentiful or at least widespread and pure. Not many minerals share all these attributes, so the list of abrasive minerals is short but interesting. Sanding Abrasives Sanding was originally done with (surprise!) sand fine-grained quartz. Quartz sand is hard enough for woodworking (Mohs hardness 7), but its not very tough or sharp. The virtue of sand sandpaper is its cheapness. Fine woodworkers do occasionally use flint sandpaper or glass paper. Flint, a form of chert, is a rock made of microcrystalline quartz. Its no harder than quartz but its tougher so its sharp edges last longer. Garnet paper is still widely available. The garnet mineral almandine is harder than quartz (Mohs 7.5), but its real virtue is its sharpness, giving it cutting power without scratching wood too deeply. Corundum is the workhorse abrasive of sandpaper. Extremely hard (Mohs 9) and sharp, corundum is also usefully brittle, breaking into sharp fragments that keep on cutting. Its great for wood, metal, paint, and plastic. All sanding products today use artificial corundum aluminum oxide. If you find an old stash of emery cloth or paper, it probably uses the real mineral. Emery is a natural mix of fine-grained corundum and magnetite. Polishing Abrasives Three natural abrasives are commonly used for polishing and cleaning metal: enamel finishes, plastic, and tile. Pumice is a stone, not a mineral, a volcanic product with a very fine grain. Its hardest mineral is quartz, so it has a gentler action than sanding abrasives. Softer still is feldspar (Mohs 6), which is most famously used in the Bon Ami brand household cleaner. For the most delicate polishing and cleaning work, such as with jewelry and fine crafts, the gold standard is tripoli, also called rottenstone. Tripoli is microscopic, microcrystalline quartz mined from beds of decomposed limestone. Sandblasting and Waterjet Cutting Applications of these industrial processes range from scrubbing rust off of steel girders to inscribing gravestones, and a wide range of blasting abrasives is in use today. Sand is one, of course, but airborne dust from crystalline silica is a health hazard. Safer alternatives include garnet, olivine (Mohs 6.5) and staurolite (Mohs 7.5). Which to choose depends on many factors other than mineralogical considerations, including cost, availability, the material being worked, and the experience of the worker. Many artificial abrasives are in use in these applications, too, as well as in exotic things like ground walnut shells and solid carbon dioxide. Diamond Grit The hardest mineral of all is diamond (Mohs 10), and diamond abrasive is a large part of the world diamond market. Diamond paste is available in many grades for sharpening hand tools, and you can even buy nail files impregnated with diamond grit for the ultimate grooming aid. Diamond is best suited for cutting and grinding tools, however, and the drilling industry uses lots of diamond for drill bits. The material used is worthless as jewelry, being black or included - full of inclusions - or too fine-grained. This grade of diamond is called bort. Diatomaceous Earth The powdery substance composed of the microscopic shells of diatoms is known as diatomaceous earth or DE. Diatoms are a kind of algae that form exquisite skeletons of amorphous silica. DE is not abrasive to humans, metals, or anything else in our everyday world, but at the microscopic scale, its very damaging to insects. The broken edges of crushed diatom shells scratch holes in their hard outer skins, causing their internal fluids to dry out. Its safe enough to strew in the garden or to mix with food, such as stored grain, to prevent infestations. When they arent calling it diatomite, geologists have another name for DE, borrowed from German: kieselguhr.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Social Networking - Essay Example In 2010, there were more than 400 million people on the Facebook, a social network. Though social networking is possible between all kinds of people with common interests, the usual norm is to find that in social networks people tend to remain within their own language groups, and the social networks have become extremely popular with the younger generation including young adults. Merits and Demerits of Social Networking through Friend-Based Websites Social networking through friend-based websites has both merits and demerits. Social networking sites can be classified into sites that provide space to build a special niche for individuals with common interests and passions to share a single platform. Friendster and MySpace are two such friend-based websites. Other social networking websites like Twitter or LinkedIn have a more profession based orientation about them. Friend-based websites can be viewed as virtual meeting that allows individuals to chill out and meet friends. Discussio ns can be held on topics of common interest, information on various topics can be exchanged and files or pictures exchanged between the groups of friends connected through the social networking website. The social networking websites act as platforms to meet and remain in contact with long lost friends or schoolmates irrespective of the distance between them.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A Role of Transfer Climate and Transfer Systems for Positive Results o Case Study
A Role of Transfer Climate and Transfer Systems for Positive Results of Training Programs - Case Study Example â€Å"Supervisors don't get barriers to transfer and continue to call the shots. The only thing they know about communication is downward," she said. "Maybe they should have attended your training program!" Well, this ensures that not only subordinates need to change, but the change must also bring in throughout the system. So the first barrier to transfer could be supervisors’ bossy attitude (attitudinal barrier) and lacks the support of top management(structure barrier), supervisors usually do not promote the change where they need to share their decision making authority and to listen to subordinates. Secondly there was a possibility that inappropriate communication channel (channel barriers) was used to deliver the message, lastly, these types of training sessions should be attended by each level of managers so each manager can make effort to promote effective communication and listening. As far as the school board is concerned, barriers to transfer remain the same but th e scenario is a bit changed, therefore, it impacts the nature of barriers as well. In a school environment, teachers suppose to initiate the change and make sure the implementation by students, so the important barrier to transfer operating at the school board can be lack of teacher’s initiative to implement and support the implications of training. After the training, continuous learning (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2005) is required at the school to the students which enhances their performance and encourages participation, so if it’s not provided it can be a source of discouragement to students. Another barrier is common between organizations and school, that is an inappropriate use of communication channel (Noe and Winkler, 2009) for example if a teacher uses only verbal communication to deliver lectures than it might be not that effective as it can be if slides are used to deliver the lecture. The other important barrier to transfer operations can be the existing infrast ructure of the school which is inefficient to support the change. Lastly, if the principal or the deputy's head is not taking follow-ups on improvement than it might slow down the process.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Law & Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Law & Ethics - Essay Example Before any nurse, whether enrolled or registered can do anything to another person, there are some legal requirements that they need to understand. The first legal issue is consent. Consent refers to permission to do something. Before a nurse does anything to another person or a patient, it is a legal requirement that the other party or patient agrees and gives permission for such an act to be carried out (Larson, 2003). When the nurse does something against the will of the patient, it is considered to be coercion. More often, a dilemma arises when the patient refuses care that the nurse thinks is necessary. However, in such situations, the nursing guidelines indicate that it is still important to get consent from the patient. In other situations where the patient may be mentally incapacitated, the family or the guardians may give the consent on behalf of the patient. Restrain is the other legal requirement and is greatly related to consent (Engberg et al, 2008). Restraint is any action or device that is designed or intended to prevent free movement of body parts. Some patients require restraint in cases where it may be deemed necessary, such as when the patient gets violent. However, there is a relation between restrain and patient consent. Before the patient is restrained by the nurse using any device or technique, due consideration and consent of the patient must be taken into account. In the Case Study, Mrs. Davis verbally objects to being restrained. Despite this, the registered nurse goes ahead to restrain the patient against her will. This is against the nursing and service delivery guidelines. As a result of the act, Mrs. Davis falls and suffers injuries that later lead to her death. This again leads to another legal issue that relates to patient care. This other legal issue is battery. Battery occurs when physical harm results due to negligence or unprofessionalism on the side of the care
Friday, November 15, 2019
Youth Violence Essay
Youth Violence Essay Youth violence is increasing and quickly becoming one of the major concerns in American today. Frequent youth violence can be found at schoolyard, at home, outside, and everywhere in the community. Why dont people ask themselves what is making the youth today so violent, and is there anything they can do to stop this trend? Youth violence is a serious issue, and there are many factors that contribute to youth violence; they are domestic violence, negative media and gangs. The truth is if a child grows up in an unhealthy household then there will more chances for he or she to grow up to be a violent person. Every day, a child witnesses an act of violence not only on television, but also in their own home, from their parents. A home is supposed to be a safe place where children learn how to love and relate to others. However, if they usually see violence in their parents relationship, they would assume that all relationship is always filled with violence. As a result, they look at their parents and think they have the right to do that too, so they will not care what parents have to say to them and just get ideas from the streets which are not good. That is why they are dropping out of school and just hanging out with their friends, which only brings them into trouble, lead to violence. How violence in the media contributes to the many other factors that lead to violent and aggressive behavior in youth? Most of the violence is directed mainly many children and adolescents. However, not every kid who partakes of violent TV shows, movies or video games will become a violent criminal. Two common effects from media are imitation and fear. Todays youth are constantly surrounded by significant acts of violence on TV, in movies, and in video games. Many experts in education and psychology believe that children are acting out what they see. The acts can easily be reacted due to constant exposure. For many children, TV and video games have become their primary role models. Unless parents and teachers take the time and responsibility to teach children respectful values, they will learn problem solving, coping skills and conflict resolution from video role models. Another result is they would be fear from watching unrated movies. Some movies that are meant for adults can be qu ite scary for younger kids, which can cause problems later on in the socialization process. The last common reason that causes youth violence is gangs. There are many of teenagers in gang, who come from bad friends, friends in gang. The only thing they want when join there is just to prove them, to be cool; even they have to fight or kill someone to get in it the gang. That is why they are always ready to do stupid things without thinking about the results, just to let their friends know that they are acting like a hero, a big brother in their group. Another reason is they are always thinking that they are lonely in this world, they have to do everything to survive and their gang friends are only people, who they can do everything and die for. For example, there was a horrific shooting in a Vietnamese restaurant a few months ago. A young guy came into the restaurant, and then he killed all the people around a table in the corner. The reason of his action was he hated a guy in the group of those people. The list of contributing factors to violent behavior in youths is never ending. One thing that the society should remember though is that not just one single factor can be linked to youth violence. To prevent youth violence enlarge, not only an individual do, but the society also has some responsibility to it. For example, the society should limit games and videos that have many violent scenes; parents should take care of their kids much more than at the present.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Organization Essay
This essay will argue that it is imperative for organizations to have strong leaders and a strong culture in the post bureaucratic era because leaders set a direction for people. They help us visualize what we might achieve and they encourage us and inspire us. Together, with a strong business culture, organizations will surely be successful and continue to soar in its career. In the first section of this essay there will be an explanation on what is the post bureaucratic era and how it has changed overtime . Subsequently, Max Webers theories as well as Fredrick Taylors theory on scientific management will be discussed and from this, draw out the dramatic effect on an organization the post bureaucratic era has had from previous years until today. In the second section of this essay it will demonstrate what leadership is and why organisations need strong leaders, through discussing the articles of Bolden and Gosling (2006) and House’s Path Goal theory on leadership. The third part of the essay will consist of Rosen’s article on The Christmas Party (Rosen, 1988). This article will reveal what is a strong culture and how it is crucial for a business organization to have. Finally, after summarizing the arguments in the conclusion , this essay will display just how important it is for organisations to have a strong leader and a strong culture. The Post-Bureaucratic Era Bureaucratic management undertook an autocratic approach in the management and leadership of an organization. Bureaucracy is an organizational form consisting of a hierarchy of â€Å"differentiated knowledge and expertise in which rules and disciplines are arranged not only hierarchy in regard to each other but also parallel †(Clegg et. al , 2011). Over time, what people thought of bureaucracy has been changing constantly in order to adapt to the new lifestyle and perspectives that each organization has. In the article called †Being an active member of a corporate alumini network†, the writer explains that bureaucratic management focused on dividing organisations into hierarchies, having small repetitive tasks in order to maximise output and strong lines of authority and control. People were treated like machines and they did not have any input in the business. Conversely , post-bureaucratic management converts bureaucratic management as they move from coercive power to a more ‘soft dominant’ approach. Through incentives and having a say, it makes workers feel more included and therefore can maximise productivity.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Protected Health Information Essay
Question one            According to the US Privacy Rule, protected health information has a broad definition. This has the inclusion of specific health information which could be identifiable for the past, the future or even the present physical health, conditions, mental health, various approaches of providing healthcare to the individual, and the futuristic state, present and the past scale of payments which would be related to the provisions of his/her health standards. According to the Privacy Rule by the federal laws, the individuals have the rights to the health information which relates to the restricted imposition on the use as well as disclosures to various information. Such information seeks to identify the broad health information of an individual. This also seeks to provide various restrictive penalties for the violations to these restrictions (            Accordingly, covered identities with the position of holding PHI may use the information even without getting consent from the individual in the requirements of treatment provision to these individual activities related to payments which could comprise of premium setting and their adjudication as well as operating the intends of their business. (Clifford, 2000) However, the disclosure and use of PHI should be as per the regulations and the permits of the federal laws. Those having PHI should obtain a full-signed authority by the individual person in the research, marketing and performing other activities. Question two            According to the Federal laws, various parts are only accredited in various electronic transmissions either through computer and facsimile. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is provided by the HIPAA act of 1996. According to the HIPAA, PHI data which would be interchangeable through electronic devices are the health transactions which compromise the referral certifications, claims on medical accreditations, eligibilities and also medical authorization, Elsewhere, it would include claims on health status dis-enrollment and acts of enrollment, remittances and claim payments, payments on premiums above the benefits allied to medical coordination. This information can be transmitted either through the X-12 computing software and facsimile technologies. According to the act, any transfer of information which is limited to the requirements of electronic information transfer amounts to criminal violations. This also implies that whatever is limit ed to the transfer can be rationality ruled by the legal authorities. Question 3            According to the various provisions by the HIPAA Act of 1996, electronic transmission of medical record may not violate the HIPAA Act of 1996. This is from the broad framework of the Federal floor on the privacy protection on the information about health matters by an individual. The act has provided the legislative laws that provide protection above allowing various state standards on the use of health information.            According to the rule, the Federal state has provided various mandates on the broad health by an individual, which even imposes various restrictions. This helps to safeguard on the disclosure and the use of the identifiable information by an individual that even compliments the provision of both criminal and civil penalties for those violating the standards. According to the HIPAA rule however, it has provided a broad array of individual rights in relation to the use of the information which even seek to provide a broad image of exceptions in the use of the information. (            The rule has been developed however in providing various limitations standards in using and also disclosing the PHI to public use through the electronic transmissions without seeking authority from the individual person in the scope of treatment provision for the specific person, carrying out payments which may include setting of premium and commissioning adjudication above the protocols of business operations. The term limitation to the use and disclosing has been developed by the HIPAA act to safeguard the interest of electronic transmission of HPI to the users without calling for any civil as well as criminal violations. Accordingly therefore, such transmission may be ethically provided without calling for any penalty. Reference Clifford, R (2000) Clean Living Movements: American of Health Reforms. Mahwah, NJ: Praeger. Electronic Network Accreditation Commission. Retrieved on 25th March 2008 from, Medical Record Privacy. Retrieved on 25th March 2008 from,
Friday, November 8, 2019
Cut To The Chase
Cut To The Chase Cut To The Chase Cut To The Chase By Sharon Cut to the chase is a common expression, meaning get to the point. Its an exhortation to omit flowery phrases and unnecessary preamble and focus on the core issue. This expression first appeared in newspapers in the 1940s, though it has an older origin in the American film industry. In the era of silent film, a romantic love story often ended in a thrilling chase sequence, which was the most exciting part of the film. At that time cut to chase was a script direction indicating that the chase was next in the sequence of events. One example cited is in the novel Hollywood Girl by Joseph McEvoy, where a character gives the script direction: Jannings escapes; cut to chase. Here are some quotations from newspapers: People could fight about the merits of the Duke’s films for years, but let’s cut to the chase. Here are five favorites, all perfect ways to celebrate his endearing talent. And, surprise, theyre not all Westerns. USA Today But, Peters thought, if you can tell in half a minute of meeting someone whether theres chemistry, then why not cut to the chase and just meet up? She crafted a new approach: an app where users can meet people without hassling with features on traditional online dating apps. LA Times Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Beautiful and Ugly WordsTime Words: Era, Epoch, and EonSupervise vs. Monitor
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
McDonalds stands for American cultural imperialism Essays
McDonalds stands for American cultural imperialism Essays McDonalds stands for American cultural imperialism Paper McDonalds stands for American cultural imperialism Paper J. , 1989, argues that there are people who refer McDonalds as a mixture of all that is Vulgar in American culture (cited in Ritzer, 1996). Emerald Group Publishing limited (2007) has published that even though McDonalds is trying to create the company image as an ethical company promoting diversity, concern for the planet and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices however the biggest argument against McDonalds is inherent in its global position that anti global activist see as the crux of the problem. However while taking side of cultural imperialism David Rothkopf, 1997 state that, the vanishing of cultural distinctions might be a sign of progress of civilisation and a tangible sign of enhanced communication and understanding. The famous McLibel case was followed closely by different social activist, however Campbell K. et al (2001) found that the McLibel case did not had a measurable negative impact on McDonalds. But still the critics of fast food and McDonalds in particular are diverse such as farmer, leftist, anarchist, nationalist, environmentalists, consumer advocates, health officials, labour unions and defenders of animal rights. The reason for their targeting the fast food restaurant chain of McDonalds is so ubiquitous, for that it threatens the fundamental aspects of national identity i. e. how, where and what people eat (Campbell et al, 2001). Accordingly Storey (1993), recommends that people, as active participant of local culture should be educated for selecting or rejecting new changes in culture, making meaning, attributing values to the developments in the culture etc. On the other side the growing Americanisation of the world is very oblivious and it is expressed through growing popularity of the movies, music videos, television shows, clothing and the Fast food restaurants like McDonalds from the United States (Schlosser, 2002). Higher income, busier lifestyle, the ease of availability storage, and greater variety in food choices have all resulted in repeat patronage to Fast food restaurants like McDonalds (Veeck et al, 2000). At the same time due to the transitional culture a large number of people are nowadays systematically and directly involved in more than one culture and this has certain amount of influence on the type of lifestyle that appeals to people (Hannerz, 1990). The study by Curtis et al (2007), found that presence of female gender, higher income levels, younger adults, the existence of children in the home and the positive opinion concerning the taste of the western food are the determining factors for the choices of type of food people make. According to Jones et al (2002), McDonalds provide consumers value for money-meals and also to some extent it is identified with an active commitment to community values and community activities. Curtis et al, (2007) observes that the increased consumption of western style convenience food in urban centres is likely the result of modernisation of the consumer preferences, where the consumption of imported foods, is viewed as a sign of modern living. He also argues that McDonalds provide a moderate cost solution for families looking for a modern dining experience, the new form of entertainment in china. In a study Watson (1997) found that there has been a change in the target audience of McDonalds. For example twenty years ago McDonalds catered to children of Hong Kongs wealthy elite however these elite have abandoned McDonalds and have moved to up Market to more expensive places. As a result McDonalds have turned to be a mainstay for working class people, who are attracted by its low cost, convenience, and predictability. However McDonalds annual report in 2006 has presented many facts about company which try to provide justification for its global position and also shed some light on the organisations involvement with local communities for their welfare through employment opportunities, Health education, safety trainings, educational scholarships, and environmental practices. It is worth noticing that McDonalds ( its owner) invest more than $1 Billion annually on employee training and development to create a platform for opportunities and growth for its employees (McDonalds Report, 2006). The company is proud to express the fact that 40% of its staff began their career at the restaurant (McDonalds Annual Report, 2005). McDonalds celebrate diversity in terms of employee backgrounds. 20% McDonalds employees are African and approximately 25% of all McDonalds owner/operator are minorities. McDonalds have secured number one position in Business Magazine for Hispanic, 2005 for its efforts to champion diversity in every aspect of the business. The company is also deeply involved and concerned for the communities in which it operates. For example Taiwan hygiene programme that teaches hand washing skills to children, New Zealand seat belt safety programme, US sue the dinosaur programme, Netherland Ronald sports programme, Russia fire prevention programme, Australia cancer education, McDonalds education Scholarship for children. In the past McDonalds have received more than 60 awards for corporate responsibility and environmental leadership that includes place among 50 best employers in 2006 Canada, best employer of the year in Brazil 2005, Latin America one of the best place to work 2005, Environmental leadership award (2001), corporate conservation leadership award, animal welfare award, toy safety award. According to Adams (2006), who is one of executive officer at McDonalds McDonalds make deliberate choices concerning our food quality, available menu, choices, visibility of nutrition information, and educational message on energy balance and claim that these efforts demonstrate their commitment to the consumers health and wellbeing. McDonalds offers efficiency for consumers which means it is a best available way to get from being hungry to being full (Adams, 2006). It also offers the calculability in terms of portion size, cost and time required to get the product. One can predict the quality and service of the product over the time in all locations (Ritzer, 1996). As a way to avoid the fear of American imperialism, McDonalds tries to purchase as much food as possible from the countries where it operates (Schlosser, 2002). Silverstone (1995) in his paper has cited the criticism made by Lyon, Taylor, and Smith, about George Ritzers belief that the impact of McDonalds on society is essentially bad and they see such a perspective as a biased. They argue that McDonalds is serving a useful role on the high street and it can be seen as slick satisfaction of consumers needs. Silverstone, (1995) has also referred to the McDonalds reaction to the charge of providing unhealthy food that their product form part of an overall balanced diet (McDonalds Food: The Fact, 1994). It should not be ignored that McDonalds places the nutrition information in easy to read graphic format on the packaging for the consumers to understand their dietary requirements (McDonalds Annual Report, 2006). Since the underlying values of the target audience have changed, McDonalds could not solely rely on convenience and product consistency as a unique selling point (Schroder et al, 2005). Watson, 1997 too agrees that in post modern upbringing the boundaries of the status, style, and taste dissolve almost as fast as they are formed. What is in today is out tomorrow as a result McDonalds is giving strong corporate emphasis on consumer health, quality and socially responsible initiatives must be taken (Schroder et al, 2005). According to study carried out by Emerald Group Publishing limited (2007), McDonalds have made significant changes in its product line to reflect todays healthy eating concerns and the more sophisticated taste of twenty first century consumers. In conclusion, due to its phenomenal growth, McDonalds does represent American cultural imperialism. The domination of American culture in the rest of the world has helped McDonalds Corporation in its tremendous growth and consequently McDonalds has strengthened the power of American culture in the world. It shows that the relationship between American cultural domination and the growth of McDonalds is positive. However from the companys point of view, McDonalds offers the world the service that satisfies the consumers needs with due consideration to ethical issues. And for consumers it is an affordable and convenient way of experiencing the modern living. However anti-globalisation activists resist McDonalds for the adverse effects it has on native cultures and argue that the culture represented by McDonalds is inappropriate for the common masses. After considering different perspectives it can be concluded that McDonalds does represent American cultural imperialism but it can not essentially be seen as bad or good for the nations of the world. However, consideration should be given to the importance of native culture, the role it plays in peoples life and the effect of American culture on developing countries where such American influence is not suitable.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Concordadane with Medication in Type 2 Diabetes Essay
Concordadane with Medication in Type 2 Diabetes - Essay Example Various techniques exist for presenting the information. Some of the methods include giving a presentation, printing a pamphlet and then distributing it among the people, giving a speech, personally conveying the message individually to each person, forming a team and then conveying the message in groups, using a website or even writing a report and then distributing the consolidated report among the people (Rota, Quadri, Fanti, Poglio, Paolasso, Ciaramitaro, Cossa, & Cocito, 2007).The method that is chosen must be according to the information that is to be delivered. The educational tool that I have used is a mug on which will be printed slogans regarding the adherence of medication regimen. A mug is a most commonly used utensil in our daily lives; we use it for different purposes and is always in our sight. The ease that is obtained while using a mug as a tool is that it is used by every person, whether the person is a male or a female or an elderly person or a child. It can be eas ily incorporated in our daily lives. The slogan can be printed in various languages and can also contain a small picture or image reminding of the benefits of adhering to the medication regimen and the harms that can possibly occur if the medication regimen is not followed properly (Relimpio F, Martinez-Brocca MA, Leal-Cerro A, Losada F, Mangas MA, Pumara A, & Astorga R, 2004). Besides other reasons a mug is an easily available utility and can be used by anyone; the greatest advantage of using a mug is the ease of accessibility. Using a mug to deliver and convey the message of remaining concordant to the medication routine is a very effective method because the most common utility that is used by any person is a mug; it is accessible to everyone. That is why using a mug to deliver the message is the most cost effective and efficient method (Hulka, Cassel, Kupper, & Burdette, n.d.). Diabetes type 2 is a disease in which it becomes very difficult for the patient to adhere to the stric t diet routine and take all the medicines on time. The patient has to undergo a very strict diet because a slight variation in the diet can lead to an increase level of sugar in the patient, therefore a strict diet must be followed (Moussavi, Renier, Roussin, Mamputu, Buithieu & Serri, 2004). The patients usually get tired of the limited food varieties available to them and get bored of the numerous medicines they are bound to take and so they are always in search of an escape from this strict routine. It is of immense importance that the patients are somehow informed about the adverse effects that they would have to face if they not comply with the medication regimen given to them and this can be beautifully and completely achiebed by printing different slogans on the mug and distributing them among the patients. The slogans would be a constant reminder for them to adhere to medications (Schillinger, Wang, Rodriguez, Bindman & Machtinger, 2006). It is of utmost importance that the patient strictly adheres to the given medication in order to ensure good and effective health care. Through research it has been observed and found out that a very small group of people exist who properly follow the prescribed medications and majority of the people are those who do not strictly follow the pres
Friday, November 1, 2019
Innovation. Innovative techniques of a manufacturing company Assignment
Innovation. Innovative techniques of a manufacturing company - Assignment Example It is not possible to apply the innovative techniques of a manufacturing company, in a service sector. This is because the two business models operate in different spheres, and the main different is depicted in the nature of the products they produce. The service sector deals with intangible goods, while the manufacturing sector deals with tangible goods. An example of a service is the delivery of mails, by Fed Ex Company (Chang, 2011). It is important for the service industry to create a culture of innovation while conducting their activities. This is because the service sector is a major employer, and greatly contributes to the development of an economy. However there are challenges that can prevent entrepreneurs in a service sector from innovating. This is because there aren’t any clear guidelines on how to innovate for a service sector (Chang, 2011). However, an entrepreneur can overcome this challenge by appreciating the service in which an entrepreneur provides to the co mmunity. This will create a proper mindset that will advocate for the improvement of the service to carter for the various needs of its customers. It is essential to separate the physiology, structure and the context within which the business operation focuses on. By doing this, the organization will broaden its scope of innovating, and therefore overcome the challenges that the service sector faces in developing an innovation (Omachonu et al, 2010). An example depicting an organization that appreciates its scope of operation and created ideas for its relevance in the market is easy jet. The main objective of the company is to make it easier for customers to access services. As a result of this objective, the company developed various products such as, Easy Cruise, Easy Pizza, and EasyCinema. This was possible because of the right mindset emanating from the management because of appreciating the context of their business operations. Another method of overcoming the challenges is to create a research and development department within the organization. The department should be responsible for carrying out a market research on the requirements of a customer, and on how to satisfy their needs (Dodgson et al, 2010) . The department should be responsible for analyzing the feedbacks of the sales representatives of the company, and the various customers that the organization serves. The department should also look at the strategies of the organizations competitors, and analyze their innovative tendencies. Basing on the results of their analysis, the department should advice the management of an organization on whether to copy the style of their competitors’ mode of operation, or to develop their own strategies. On this note, the R and D department is an important element of overcoming challenges that emanate from innovating in a service industry. Another method of overcoming the challenges that emanate for innovating in a service sector is to focus on the core elements of the company (Chang, 2011), this is as opposed on innovating in the supplemental elements of the company, such as friendly customer care services, effective problem solving mechanisms, after sales services, such as an extra service to the customer without any charge. These supplementary services can be copied by their rival companies. On this note, to maintain an edge over their rivals, the organization should focus on improving its core business objective. An example is the innovative ideas of CNN in making its services accessible on a 24hr basis. Google initiated measures of improving the speed of its search engine network, and Fed Ex initiated measures of speedily delivering packages to their clients by working for 24hrs a day. However, it is not only important to focus on the core element or objective of the business, it is important to focus on other supplemental elements of the business organization while creating a product that will be attractive in the market. In as much as supplementary ser
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