Monday, September 30, 2019
A letter from Banquo Essay
I write to all of you hoping that this letter will find you in the best of health. As all of you know, in the past few days Scotland was struck with a great misfortune when King Duncan was gruesomely murdered in his sleep while on his visit to Macbeth. And I have reason to believe that Macbeth is the one responsible for King Duncan’s murder because he had the motive and the opportunity to do so. And as I recall our encounter with the three witches when we were returning from the battlefield I realize that the witch’s prophesy to Macbeth, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! that shalt be king hereafter†[Act1, Scene3,Line54] has embedded in him a desire to rule and be king which was further implanted deeper in him by his wife whose grandfather, Kenneth III was overthrown by King Duncan’s ancestor, Malcolm II, many years ago and was waiting for a chance to avenge her grandfather’s death. But what Macbeth didn’t realize was that he had started to believe what he wanted and did not see the three witches for what they really are. And with each day passing by Macbeth thought more and more of the prophecy that he shall be king until it was the day to name an heir to the throne of Scotland during which King Duncan named Malcolm as the heir. As Macbeth watched I overheard him talking to himself and saying â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step on which I must fall down, or else o’er-leap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.†[Act1, Scene4, Lines55-58] which shows that Macbeth was seriously thinking about the throne and the prophecy. It seemed as if greed, ambition and voracity were beginning to take hold of Macbeth. And on the night we escorted King Duncan on his visit to Macbeth’s castle, I noticed how Macbeth didn’t come out to welcome the King like Lady Macbeth did. Instead he only showed up at dinner time. And after everybody went to their rooms Macbeth came to my room and we agreed to discuss the prophecies at a later time. But I also said to Macbeth, †So I lose none in seeking to augment it, but still keep my bosom franchised and allegiance clear, I shall be counsell’d.†[Act2, Scene1, Lines32-35] hoping that this will stop Macbeth from thinking that I will help him make the prophecy true. Nevertheless what I had feared the most happened on that night; King Duncan was murdered. And as we all came to see what happened I could see a look of fear and guilt in Macbeth’s eyes. I realized that Macbeth had done what he wanted to in order to make the prophecy true. However Macbeth had not only killed his King who praised him for his courage and his valor, he also killed his cousin who was of his own flesh and blood. Indeed! What a true cousin Macbeth is. He was no different from the butcher who kills innocent lambs. All this time he thought that killing King Duncan would make the prophecies true but he never realized that he was deceiving and leading himself into a pit of trouble. None of us could have imagined that the courageous soldier who was loyal to his king could be easily corrupted by the witches’ prophecies. We all knew Macbeth as the soldier who fought for his king without mercy but it appears that his strive for ambition and his insurgent desire made him kill his own king and cousin without mercy. And if any one among you still does not believe that Macbeth is responsible for King Duncan’s murder then think back as to who had the strongest motive to kill the King and who could have done the crime without being suspected easily. It is Macbeth. My fellow Scots I believe that now we should take action against Macbeth for it shall be unjust if we let him go without punishing him for his bloody deed. In the end I hope that you may have found my letter convincing enough and I am certain that all of you will do what is best for Scotland.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Legitimacy Crisis Essay
I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend that it is one’s own. 2. I have used the â€Å"Harvard†convention for citation and referencing. Each contribution to, and quotation in, this essay/report/project from the work(s) of other people has been attributed, and has been cited and referenced. 3. This essay/report/project is my own work. 4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. Signature: Jvanrooyn Word Count: 308 excluding in-text citations Jihad Van Rooyen. Introduction to Politics, Tutorial Group #11 12 March 2014 Assignment #3 Legitimacy Crisis Revolutions result in a ubiquitous change in society. This essay ascertains themes throwing legitimacy into crisis through an evaluation of the sources of the French, Russian and Iranian revolutions. As stipulated by Max Weber in his legitimacy crisis ideals, society functions on a moral relationship between the ruler and the ruled (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:19). Non-acceptance by the ruled would result in a regime losing its legitimacy and pave way for a political break-down. This is emphasized by John Locke in the Social Contract, where he deemed that society has no moral obligation to the regime when the contract is breached (Spragens, 1997:34). Thus, legitimacy certifies political stability and must be lost before any revolution can transpire. The French Revolution was based on the constitutional and monetary crises, which lead to instability. Thus through the failure of the regime to meet demands, legitimacy was lost and a secular revolution followed (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:72). Relative deprivation was an immediate by-factor, clearly evident through the revolts against the structural conditions, which ultimately abolished absolute monarchy in France (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:74). Similarly to the French revolution, the Russian overthrowing of the old political system proved easier than consolidating power (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:79), especially after both revolutions were influenced by the regime’s spending on warfare. Both revolutions involved peasants uprising, owing to hunger, poverty and social inequality. The Tsar was not able to meet the demands of the citizens and in so doing lost credibility. In contrast, Iran’s old regime had not been ravaged by warfare nor had it suffered monetary failure, prior to its revolution (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:79). The revolution was a religious affair against the regime. Like the previous two revolutions, expectations amongst the people were not met by the regime. In conclusion, when a regime doesn’t fulfill its moral obligation to the people or if they do not meet the expectation of the citizens, relative deprivation could occur which could ultimately result in illegitimacy and a revolution.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Between Class Madness
This year I was really looking forward to a great time, but some of that happiness was gone within the first couple of days. Like all of the eighth graders, I have noticed that it is a lot harder to get to class on time, unlike last year when I could get to class and have a minute to talk before the bell rang. This year it’s a different story. The fact that no teacher gives us our homework until the bell rings is a big reason, because, they are so hung up in what they’re teaching that when the bell rings they say, â€Å"Oh ya, and for homework you have this worksheet.†So now the teacher has to hurriedly hand out the worksheet, and we have to write it down in our agendas. When that is done, we ask the teachers for a late pass, but most of the time they don’t give one to us. With that in mind, we scurry out into the hallway, knowing we will get a tardy unless we run. It is difficult to gather our books for the class, because, everyone in the class is busy on a worksheet or writing down vocabulary when the bell rings. This doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it is. After the bell, we have three minutes to get to our next class, but about one half of that time is taken up by a couple things: putting the worksheet we are working on into our binder, putting our pencil in our pencil case, then getting our book which is under our desks. When we finish that and get out of the classroom, there are only about two minutes left. In those next two minutes there is another problem, which brings me to my third point. The biggest reason that I have trouble getting to class is that there is a colossal mob of people in the hallway by the eighth grade lockers. Some of them are students trying to hurry to their next class on time, and some are teachers coming out of the teachers’ lounge. There are only about seven feet across the hallway to fit in sixty students. If you are in this mob, you know that it is like being stuck in traffic: you don’t move! It takes at least a minute to just get out of the huge jam. After that horrendous event, you look at the clock and notice that you have only five seconds to get to class, so you start to sprint down the hallway. You’re three feet from the door when Ms. Miller comes by and gives you a detention for running in the halls. After all that, you are late to class and you have a detention. I hope I am not the only person in the eighth grade that has noticed this ever growing, and wants to fix it. So the next time you are late to class becaus e of hallway jams, you can join me, and many others that think the same thing
Friday, September 27, 2019
Catch 22 - Orr Character Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Catch 22 - Orr Character Report - Essay Example This essay will explore Orr’s significance to the wider themes and motifs of the novel. As the hostilities in the Second World War were at a peak, the soldiers start to feel psychologically and physically weary and contemplate the situation they find themselves in. The term Catch-22 refers to this sense of entrapment felt by many members of the United States military at the time, who are sane enough to see the absurdity of putting their lives at risk, while insane enough to continue participating in it. The Catch-22 situation arises when a soldier, in a moment of sanity and lucidity, sees the futility of war; but realizes that the only way he can escape from its viciousness is by claiming insanity. In other words, it is a circular argument wherein the premise is taken as proof of argument. The military officers use this paradoxical rule to keep control over their squadron members, lest they will begin to assert their will. The character of Orr should be studied in light of this most prominent theme in the novel. In the initial stages of the novel Orr comes across as an incompetent pilot, whose plane inevitably gets shot, forcing him to crash land on each occasion. But, as the war wears on and the Catch-22 puzzle overwhelms the members of the squadron, it is Orr who succeeds in escaping to Sweden, a neutral country where peace prevailed. In this respect, the sub-plot involving Orr is comprised of more heroism and courage than that of Yossarian. Author Joseph Heller, by way of depicting the personal qualities of Orr, gives away hints related to his impending escape. For example, there are references in the novel to Orr’s aptitude for mechanics and his skilful dexterity, as when he tailors the tent in such a way as to make it comfortable. When analyzing the novel in retrospect, we see how this talent comes handy in his escape expedition to Sweden. The incident involving the prostitute in Rome is another
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Interpersonal relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interpersonal relationship - Essay Example he parents may subsist on the toils of children or they may force their aspirations and compensate for their disappointments through direct or sinister manipulation of the life system of their children. A particular extent of antagonism between my parents and me, as I believe it to be, is natural and strong. My wanting for freedom and the natural but uncaringly emotional inclination of my parents to protect me and extend the period of my infancy are what I detest the most, being independent-minded as I am. Indeed, the development of varied interests results in to a normal weakening of the parent-child interpersonal relationship. It is perhaps not inappropriate in this kind of relationship that I have with my parents to call attention to the fact that, despite of the common outlook that it must be otherwise; anyway, I personally believe that the members of the family are somehow hardly ever friends. Count Keyserling, who wrote a book about marriage, which I have read a dozen times, is perhaps accurate when he regarded family relationship as an antagonistic teamwork. My brothers and sisters are very rarely best friends that the exemptions draw in widespread remark; my friends and trusted acquaintances are not my sisters. And I have noticed that my elder siblings are most of the time on more confidential and compassionate relations with other grown ups than with our own parents. Were it not for the strength of other ties, to a certain extent physical and financial but primarily those of practice and social pressure, our family would undoubtedly disintegrate as I and my brothers reach adulthood. Antagonisms between parents and their children in several instances generate dilemmas whose apparent and only explanation is an untimely family disbanding. The source of unending antagonisms on top of other unfortunate psychic influences is probably to be located in the persistent closeness so almost inevitable in the small family band. The trivial but unrelenting
Influential Business Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Influential Business Leader - Essay Example His success can be attributed to his unambiguous entrepreneurial quality, â€Å"dogged leadership†and of course his â€Å"philanthropic†interest. Bill Gates is no doubt the undisputed king of computer sciences and engineering. Born in 1955, he got acquainted with digital computers when he was in the seventh grade and after that he worked on several computer projects. His entrepreneurial ability was evident at a very early stage of his life when he along with his friend Paul Allen founded the company Traf-Data when they were still in school. In this company they used the Intel 8008 microprocessor to assist in monitoring and controlling the traffic of Seattle. He enrolled at Harvard but he never had a particular study plan so he had dropped out and went ahead with his friend to lay the foundation of his company, Microsoft. The writing of the software program, Altair BASIC, with the help of his friend Allen was the first biggest achievement of Gates. At the time of Bill Gates the knowledge about computers were very much limited. Being a man with creative thinking he took advantage of the situation and became an expert in program ming. His contribution towards the computer industry cannot be questioned. He is also a role model for generations to come as his success stories reveal hard work and â€Å"persistence†. (Emdee) Bill Gates’ is also very much known for his philanthropist activities. He has donated money all over the world and had played a major role in reducing poverty and also has helped in the enhancement of better medical facilities. He has also helped in the expansion of education all over the world. He has also donated to aid the aids victims. According to Forbes Magazine (2004), Bill Gates had been giving $29 billion for charities since 2000 (â€Å"Bill Gate’s philanthropy†). Bill Gates’ life had been like a fairy tale. A Harvard drop out to being the world’s richest man is a journey indeed very remarkable.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Engineering drawings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Engineering drawings - Essay Example These manuscripts speak about the science of mechanics, laws of movement. The manuscripts give details about how Leonardo understood each small components individually that goes into the making of big machines. When he studied screws, he studied its varied forms and methods to fabricate them. In this list are the components such as hoists, rollers, pulleys, flywheel, winches and many more. It is his remarkable understanding of these components in those days that made it possible for him to create many functional machine designs. War Machines Leonardo developed many war machines when he was in the long service of Lodoviko Sforza, a duke at Milan. He displayed his abilities as a civil and mechanical engineer designing many useful devices. Some of the devices such as cannons, a giant wheel were developed by him as his military activities during the time. Leonardo developed a drawing of a bridge as a civil engineering project that spanned 240 meter. Though its real construction never mat erialized, it continued to inspire engineers that followed him. His note books spoke about war machines that included a tank that could be operated through crank shafts. The design and mechanics though were not fully developed – perhaps his intention was not to allow it to fall in the hands of wrong people. He developed cannons that would spew small pebbles on the enemy to prevent them inflicting a frontal attack. A Device Resembling Flywheel Leonardo designed an engine kind device that is currently known as flywheel and crank. It is important to note here that when James Watt developed a steam engine, he never made use of flywheel – a wheel that provides high angular momentum. It was much later that a design expert added flywheel to achieve steadiness in the shaft operation. A Device for Lifting Loads Lifting loads has been always a most cherished requirement of humans since time immemorial. No wonder than that Leonard worked on a system to lift heavy loads. What he d esigned in those days is known as the worm gear in current parlance. The device employed an endless screw that is turned by a crank to mesh with the teeth of a gear rotating and raising the load. His device provides more safety that usually a single tooth gear design lacks. Worm gear as prevalent in current times came into existence much later. That shows Leonardo’s genius in designing a device that has hundreds of application in the modern machines including analog clocks. Bicycle Design One of the vehicle designs that he has drawn is a two-wheeled vehicle with spokes. Two wheels are joined by a single rod gives an indication that his vehicle takes a shape of a bicycle for an easy movement by humans. Rear wheel is attached to a cogged-wheel through a chain and cogged-wheel has pedals as found in the modern bicycles in current times. Flying Design He studied motion and movements in depth. While building canals and locks he tried to understand the water flow and whirlpools. In the same way, he tried to understand the flying of birds – the operations and anatomy of the wing. That helped him to build flying designs. Many of the Leonardo's drawings present theoretical understandings or initial intuitions before an idea takes some concrete shape. One of the design looks like a helicopter provided with a huge spiral. It is not understood what idea he had in his mind to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Businese Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Businese Law - Essay Example By this time Karter had not parted with the money to purchase the paintings. Therefore Karter purchases the paintings knowing very well that Jimmy had repudiated his offer and was not going to make any good payment of them. 1 In Dickinson Vs Dodds, 1876, the defendant gave the plaintiff a written offer to sell him his house for 800 on Wednesday. The offer was to be left open until next Friday 9 a.m. On Thursday the defendant sold the house to someone else. On that very evening, the plaintiff was told of the sale by a third party, but before 9 a.m. on Friday the plaintiff delivered his acceptance to the defendant which the defendant refused to receive. It was held by the court that there was a proper revocation of the offer and the plaintiff could not accept it. 2 Even though Karter had revoked his offer of purchasing the paintings, the revocation / refusal was not procedurally done legally. Under the rules governing any revocation of an offer, that withdrawal must be committed to the person to whom it was made. It means that had Karter not taken the initiative of calling Jimmy would have continued to be silent of his withdrawn intention to purchase the paintings. 3 On the other hand, Karter would be to blame because he had acted outside the agreed terms of their agreement with Karter. According to their agreement Jimmy had expressly told Karter not to spend more than $ 1,000 USD. These terms were very certain but Karter ignored them and purchase paintings worth $5,000 USD. The expression by Jimmy to Karter to only spend $1,000 USD was in fact a term that was too "heavy" to be overlooked. This is because: - (a) Jimmy would not have entered into the contract if the statement was not made. The statement was important because it showed the maximum amount of money that he had and which he was willing to spend on paintings. (b) The statement was made immediately alongside the other agreements meaning that the representer highly regarded its importance. But Karter can still argue that he had thought that the statement was not a term of the contract since it was not followed by a written agreement. Jimmy could have reduced his oral expression into writing. Though he did not expressly state that he could not purchase the paintings if they cost over $1,000 USD, it was implied that he was not going to spend over $1,000 USD in paintings. These are implied terms that parties probably had in mind but did not bother to express. They have to be implied by the courts. Additionally, the parties would have expresses this agreement in writing if they had foreseen the difficulty occurring. Such terms the parties could have expressed in writing had they seen the difficulties are implied by the courts because of the court's view of fairness or public policy. Vincent acted in good faith in selling his painting and cannot be held responsible. He was made to believe in statements that were not true. He was in fact misrepresented by Karter who told him that he had been authorized to purchase the painting on behalf of Jimmy. Misrepresentation renders the contract voidable at the option of the innocent party. The statement was made are the time the contract was made and it induced Vincent into the contract. 4 Vincent could not have entered into the contract if: - (i) He knew that Karter's statement was false. (ii) He would have made the contract despite the misrepresentation. (iii) He did not know that there had been a misrepresentation i.e. after entering into the
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Significance Of Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills For The Success Essay
The Significance Of Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills For The Success Of International Mergers And Alliances - Essay Example If we analyzed then we come to know that by definition, the two or extra parties concerned in a negotiation have conflicting interests and may come into disagreement over key points, whether it be a fair cost in buyer-seller relations, a fair licensing agreement, or an evenhanded workplace understanding. Furthermore, the conflict and agreement that takes place throughout negotiations has an intrinsic emotional component, and touching or emotional reactions such as suffering or annoyance are frequently experienced throughout the negotiation procedure. Certainly, the procedure of attitudinal structuring (Walton & McKersie, 2005) has a significant emotional component. Anecdotal proof, case studies, and educational writings point to an attractive occurrence that can take place in cross-cultural negotiations the appearance of negative spirals that cause ever more negative emotional or touching reactions in negotiators which rise ill-will, hurt the negotiation procedure, and frequently bri ng it to an end.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The various theories of Language Acquisition Essay Example for Free
The various theories of Language Acquisition Essay The human race has been trying to explore the concept of language acquisition in children for centuries, and due to the nature of the subject matter, this of course is very difficult. The main debate between language theorists, however, began in the 20th century with the nature versus nurture debate. The generally accepted theory of language acquisition, supported by B. F. Skinner, was that children were completely lacking in the ability to converse when born, and that language was just another learned skill, such as walking and crawling. Supporting the argument that language acquisition was all due to the nurturing of the child, rather than an innate capacity to learn, Skinner believed in the theory of imitation and reinforcement. This concept suggests that children learn through positive and negative feedback (praise as opposed to corrections) from their parents or carers. To a certain extent, this theory could account for a large proportion of a childs development. Behaviourists who have observed parents with their children or young children in nurseries have noticed that when an dult suggests a new word to a child, the child is very likely to use it. However, there are of course many obvious limitations of this theory. When parents try to correct children too much, research has shown that children actually progess slower because they are not being allowed to express themselves as freely. Often, when a parent attempts to make a child repeat a certain sentence, the child is unable to respond correctly, because the syntactical structure is completely unfamiliar. Additionally, a parent or carer is more likely to dispute the content of a childs statement as opposed to the grammar. For example, if in the example above, the childs friends actually lived in Scotland, not Ireland, the parent would be more likely to correct this than the grammatical mistakes highlighted above. Furthermore, possibly one of the most important pieces of evidence to disprove this theory is that of virtuous errors a child makes when he or she is first learning to apply grammatical rules. For example, a child might say I thinked or I runned, because the usual ending for an English verb in the simple past tense is -ed. They certainly would not have heard this kind of error from a parent or carer, disputing the idea that language is merely learned through repetition and not through any form of innate ability whatsoever. When Noam Chomsky first responded to the generally accepted behaviourism theory with his own ideas of innate language abilities, taking the side of nature as opposed to nurture. Chomsky believed that children could not simply copy what they heard and create their own lexis, as the quality of adults language was too poor. Also citing virtuous errors such as overgeneralisations, he pointed out that children often create their own words when they do not know the correct term for what they are trying to describe, a concept called linguistic creativity. The key belief of nativism in Chomskys time was that children have a language acquisition device when they are born, which allows them to learn grammar rules and the like. Chomsky himself added to this concept bu suggesting that all human languages share a universal grammar, which is what children are capable of understanding and applying to their own mother tongue. A limitation of the nativist theory is that the ability to converse is not completely innate: children will need some form of stimulus from those around them, or their linguistic ability will be severely impaired. In particular, many theorists believe that for children, there is a cut-off point in their lives (often at about 7 years of age) when, if the child has not received sufficient stimulus, their capacity for language will be permaneantly weakened. Although not completely opposing this theory, these arguments do show that not all language ability is innate. A theory that has its roots in behaviourism is that of social interaction. The core idea of this theory is that childrens language acquisition is centred around close interaction with parents and carers, and that this interaction not only enables them to acquire language itself, but also allows them to learn pragmatics and the rules for conversing, such as taking turns to speak. The followers of this theory also believe that interaction creates a language acquisition support system, enabling children to place their language learning skills in context. The easily identifiable features of child-directed speech (such as exaggerated intonation, simplified grammar and lexis, and gestures) used by parents and carers supports this notion. Interactionists also suggest that repetitive scenarios, such as the same book, nursery rhyme or game, enables children to develop conversational skills such as turn-taking. While there is evidence to support this theory, the argument against it is that in many cultures around the world, there is no evidence of child-directed speech, and that the children are not adversely affected by this. The final key school of thought is the cognitive approach, who do not place as much emphasis on the acquisition of language itself, preferring to see it as a single part of a childs development in general: nativists, on the other hand, see language acquisition as a completely separate element. Psychologist Jean Piaget suggested that language can only come with understanding, and that children can only talk about objects and ideas that they fully understand, showing the link between speech and comprehension. A key stage of cognitive development supports this theory; that of object permeneance. When a child grasps the concept that even when an object is no longer in their sight, it still exists, there is a definite leap in their understanding and development, which includes language. At this time, children also learn to use pronouns correctly, and are more focused on learning common nouns for the objects around them. The other key leader of this theory, Lev Vygotsky, proposed that language had two roles: communication and for thought processes. After a short amount of time, he believed, language became closely linked with thought, leading to the natural link between language and understanding. However, there are, of course, limitations of this theory. Many children have displayed language skills completely at odds with their apparent cognitive skills, either more or less advanced. Of course, each theory of language acquisition has its own evidence to support it. A key mistake which many theorists made in the past was to assume that one theory could be found which covered all aspects of child development. Modern theorists now see the strengths and limitations of all schools of thought, and tend to use aspects from each theory to explain stages of language acquisition. It is generally accepted that we probably will never know the exact way in which children acquire language, due to the complex nature of the process.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Relationship Of Employee Voice And Employee Performance
Relationship Of Employee Voice And Employee Performance Human resource is a very essential part of any company and the people within the company play a very important role. This paper aims at analyzing the relationship of employee voice in an organization and the employee performance. The paper will firstly deal with the various methods that the employees can express themselves and be heard. This will be followed by the importance of employee voice, and the various views that have been presented by authors about the importance. A thorough analysis of the impact of employee voice on the performance has also been made. Employee Voice: Over the years, there has been a high interest in the notion of employee voice both in terms of higher levels of performance and also better employee representation (Beardwell 1998, Sako 1998, Benson 2000; Roche, 2000). There has been a vast amount of literature that has been set down on the topic of Voice. A study by Professor Margaret has highlighted that collective voice achieves what the lone voice could never do: it humanises and civilises the workplace, arguing that collective representation is the foundation of a partnership relationship that brings positive benefits for business (Prosser, 2001). There have been several different meanings that have been set down for the term Employee voice. Each definition and explanation of the terms has provided a different view on the purpose and underlying meaning of employee voice and the need of one rather than an individual voice. For an organisation to develop and be successful it is essential there is a freedom to speak and participat e for all employees. The twentieth century has seen numerous initiatives to involve employees and has also tried to promote better performance. According to Lavelle, Gunnigle and McDonnell, have defined employee voice as, as any type of mechanism, structure or practice, which provides an employee with an opportunity to express an opinion or participate in decision-making within their organization (Lavelle, Gunnigle and McDonnell, 2010). Employee voice can be distinguished into two main types, Direct Voice: this refers to any mode of mechanism where the employees can directly involve and work with the management in various aspects like their jobs. Work environment, teams, appraisal systems, and even the meetings between the employees and the managers. Here most of the involvement of the employees is through the individual themselves rather than via any other intermediate. Indirect Voice: This form of voice is one where there is a collective employee representation and these include representation like trade unions, non union structures of collective representations like work councils, and consultative committees. There are several different mechanisms that are available for employee voice within an organization. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the various mechanisms of employee voice can be classified into two main headings, a) Upward Problem Solving and b) Representative Participation. These two also fall into the above categories that have been discussed, i.e. direct and indirect voice. The CIPD has also brought out the various mechanisms that are complementary to employee voice and these are as discussed below: Upward problem-solving or Direct Method: This refers to any technique that is adopted by the managers to gain the ideas of the employees and also to gain an opinion of the employees, This allows for a two way communication and it encourages the employees to participate by setting up through communication systems. Here the communication is more between the individual employee and the managers rather than with any kind of representatives. There are numerous methods and techniques that can be used to allow this form of communication. One of the first methods that can be used is the Electronic media. This allows disseminating and also permits for ideas to be shared and provided using an online medium. Here as compared to the face to face medium, there is very less interaction and all questions and proposals are sent out using emails. The other form of communication is a two way communication, where the staff and managers can get together and discuss their views and opinions on various is sues. These are mostly in the form of regular meeting and these not only allow for improved issue management but also work on the improvement of performance of the team as such. Here employees can suggest problem solving for issues that are faced or even discuss ideas to improve the processes. Another very famous and presently adopted method is the suggestion schemes. These allow the people to discuss and make suggestion and contribute to the growth of the team. Here however there are incentives for the contributors if the suggestions are accepted and implemented. Another very effective form of encouraging the employee voice is using questionnaire surveys. Here the company can discover the levels of satisfaction of the staff particularly in terms of work and work environment. This is a very strong way of increasing the employee voice and being able to reach out to the employees. Another effective manner of direct communication includes the project teams. Here a group of people can b e brought together on a regular basis and the team can work on discussion of the quality of work within the organization. Representative Participation or Indirect Method: This form as mentioned is more of an indirect method. Here there is no interaction between the individual employee and the managers however are more based on the employee representative and the managers. A few of the possible methods that are used in companies include as follows. The partnership scheme is one where an emphasis is made on a mutual gain and a mutual gain and a tackling the issues and problems in a cooperative manner. Another form is referred to as joint consultation. This has been expressed as, to consider issues that are deemed to be of common interest or of key importance to the parties (CIPD, 2010). Also the last form is the collective representation. This is where employees negotiate and work together work towards the pay. Here they act as employee representatives. These mechanisms only permit a better chance for the employees to voice their requirements. There is a high need for the employee voice to be heard and these have a major impact on the performance of the company and the employee themselves. The next section will deal with the impact of providing employees with a chance to have their voice heard and how it would affect the working and performance of the employees. Impact on Employee Performance: As said very rightly by Dulewicz (1989), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ a basic human tendency to make judgements about those one is working with, as well as about oneself. It is noted that appraisals are inevitable and is universal. People evaluate how well a job is done to set performance standards. The process was linked to the material outcomes, i.e. if an employees performance is to less than ideal then there would be a cut in pay, however if the performance was better than the ideal level set by the supervisor, then there would be a rise in pay. In the current situation the definition of employee contribution is not only dependent on the output i.e. the end results achieved but also depends on the inputs by the employee i.e. what the employee is willing to contribute to the business. Several studies have highlighted that the performance of employees is based not only on the level of pay that they receive but also equally on the level of motivation which in turn is related directly to the level of motivation of the employees. The performance of a company and its relationship with the employee voice has been a topic of high debate over the last decade. The voices of the employees of a company affect the performance of the company directly. Performance here is in terms of two mains aspects, a) the employee performance and b) the company performance. These are inter related in a way that the better the employee performance the better will be the company performance. Human Resource Management mainly aims at ensuring that all aspects of employees from recruitment to retention are taken care of. The HR team would take all necessary steps to ensure that the employee performance is better. The HR has a very clear and very big affect on the performance of the company and t he employees, as they bare in some form a major point of contact for the employees (Boselie, Paauwe and Jansen, 2000). The HR has a direct influence on the performance of the company. Since the HR is responsible for recruitment and selection of the employees, it is completely dependent on the HR teams to select employees who would perform, also they are the ones who need to ensure that the employee needs and voice are heard and met and should also support the managers and the top management to encourage and hear the voices of the employees. This is mainly because employee performance is directly related to the needs of the employees and if an employee is not heard the employee can feel disheartened which would cause levels of distress. According to Beale (1994) employee involvement represents, a significant challenge to the traditional influence of trade unions in the workplace. Employee involvement programmes provide an alternative source of information, ideas and interpretation of workplace experiences, an alternative to that provided by the union. Employee involvement programmes actively promote a new culture in competition with the traditional explanations and culture communicated by the union (Beale, 1994). It is also essential to understand that irrespective of how much the management might try to avoid any form of unions or representative participation, the level of commitment is not seen to have increased. In the current times employees prefer to have a representative participation, i.e. part of unions, and other representative structures. Hence when a company does not allow or pay head to the employee voice through the indirect measures, it is seen that there is also a clear reduced commitment to work and lowered levels of motivation. It has also been explained by Storey and Sisson (1994), highlight the same point and explain that the enhanced worker commitment will reduce directly if the management attempts to overlook the unions and try to go in for a direct form of contact with the employees. Ackers, Marchington, Wilkinson and Dundon (2003) explain, On the other hand, where unions stand outside the EI [Employee involvement] initiative, their indifference or hostility may be a maj or reason for its failure. Social partnership theory suggests that union involvement can make EI [Employee involvement] work better, for both management and employees. The main intension of any firm is to have high performance working within the organization. Having high performance working in an organization is in a number of ways the opposite of the employment practices set down by Taylor. CIPD explain high performance working as, HPW can be characterised as everything that Taylorist employment practices are not. This is an unfair reflection on the substantial influence of F W Taylor on management thinking in the early part of the last century. However, HPW is the diametrical opposite of employment strategies based on short cycle times, skill minimization and one right way. This approach is appropriate to the high volume repetitive working usually associated with products and services sold on the basis of low cost and narrow range. HPW is better suited to product and service sectors that are at least concerned with mass customization and more often designed to meet the needs of individual customers (CIPD, 2010). Several authors over the years have provided several different views and notions on the topic of the relationship between employee voice and employee performance. Several authors also concentrate more on the direct voice effect. It has been studied that direct employee voice is relatively much more effective and than the indirect employee voice and shows higher, better and enhanced performance outcomes. Heller (1998) observed that high degrees of influence sharing are associated with a better quality and effectiveness of decisions and a significant reduction in the underuti lization of peoples experience and skills (p. 1439). Also Cotton (1988) explains that in the case of direct voice, the employees tend to feel more satisfied and also gain a feel of involvement in the decision making. They also explain that when the employee influence is high, there is a higher level of group cohesion and the level of commitment to those decisions is noted to be enhanced and improved. In another research conducted by Bryson, Willman, Gomez, and Kretschmer (2007), the hypotheses has highlighted that there is a strong link between employee voice and HRM. This as mentioned earlier also has a direct impact on the employee and the performance of the employees. A research conducted by Freeman and Medoff (1984) and adapted Hirschmans (1970) model. Hirschmans (1970) model of exit voice has been the base of the research by Freeman and Medoff and this has mainly be done to link the union voice, higher levels of productivity and lower quit rates. Kim, MacDuffie Pil, (2009), explain, Without collective voice through the agency of worker representation, employees lack the incentive to pursue public goods, such as enhanced working conditions and workplace policies that affect the well-being of all employees, for example, grievance and arbitration procedures, just cause for discipline and discharge, and seniority clauses (Batt et al., 2002) (Kim, MacDuffie Pil, 2009). Conclusion: Based on the research and the extensive discussion that has been presented above, it is clear that the various researches that have been presented in the past it is clear that the relationship between the employee voice and productivity is ambiguous. Kim, MacDuffie Pil, (2009), explain, Union presence may lower labor productivity via restrictive work practices or lower firm investments due to lower firm profitability. On the other hand, it has also been noted that the union voice can also be associated with the adversarial relations within the industries and the if there is no clear flow of information between the workers and the management, there is also a clear lack of complete diversity in terms of the input of the workers. There have also been other findings from studies by Brown and Medoff, which suggest that the unions have a close relationship with the employee morale, needs, motivation and also cooperation (Metcalf, 2003). There have thus been several positive and negative v iews on this topic and there has not been any clear evidence on the certainty of the effect of employee voice on employee performance.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Depression Essay -- essays research papers
Depression is a psychiatric disorder characterized by feelings of worthlessness, guilt, sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness. It is different then normal sadness or grief from the loss of a loved one because it is persistent and severe. Clinical depression has many related symptoms trouble sleeping, eating disorders, withdrawal and inactivity, self-punishment, and loss of pleasure. People that are depressed do not like to do things they may usually like to.Surveys that have been taken that show approximately 20 in 100 people suffer from depression at any one time. About one if four Americans will suffer from a depression over the course of their lifetime. Depression strikes men and women of all ages, in all races, but most studies indicate that women are more often afflicted.There are two major forms of depression that people get. One form is called depressive disorder. It is diagnosed only by episodes of depression. Episodes can be short or long but are usually brought about by an incident in a persons life. An example of this is if someone close to them dies. The other kind is called bipolar or manic depressive illness, it is recognized by alternating depressed and manic episodes. This is an actual brain dysfunction. In the major depression or the depressed phase of bipolar illness, a depressed mood predominates, even though the patient may not be aware of feeling sad. Typically, he or she loses all interest in activities. Symptoms include sleep disturbances, not ab...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay on Swifts Gullivers Travels and Orwells 1984 :: comparison compare contrast essays
Swift's Gulliver's Travels and Orwell's 1984Â Â Â Â Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and George Orwell's 1984, two of English literature's most important and pervasive political criticisms, have helped to mold world opinion by offering new viewpoints and attitudes, yet these two novels differ in their means of conveying their satire of human nature. Whereas Gulliver's Travels touches humanity with a humorous note and absurd situations, in order to reveal the public's hypocrisy and society's reprehensible behavior, 1984, in contrast to Gulliver's Travels, presents dismal and depressing circumstances which forebode a heinous future and threaten human existence. Â On his quest to reveal the inconsistencies and follies of humankind, Swift first offers the readers an opportunity to laugh at themselves (disguised as a Lilliputians), yet later, the readers find these humorous portrayals underscored with scorching and harsh social and moral satire. Observing the Lilliputians struggle for power in the little wars that they fight, Gulliver laughs at what he considers a joke, but in reality he laughs at human beings and their petty disagreements as well as their obsessions. "There is a good deal of fun in Lilliput, and with Gulliver we are able to assume a certain superior detachment and amusement at the ways of the pigmies" (Davis 86). Another instance of entertainment for the bystander and reader occurs when the Emperor of Lilliput attempts to conquer the entire "world" (obviously not cognizant of a world much larger than his Lilliputo-centric sphere), and to overtake the navy of his mortal enemy. Still laughing and unsuspecting, Gulliver initially follows blindly during his stay, and completes all the tasks assigned to him, for he believes in the goodness of the princes. Not until Gulliver's disillusionment with the iniquity of the princes and emperor, and hence with human beings, does he refuse to follow orders. These initial feelings of blind trust seem comparable to the party members' unquestionable devotion towards Big Brother in the novel 1984. At the moment that the Emperor of Lilliput accuses Gulliver of treachery, Swift clarifies his satire, that the Lilliputians merely represent miniature humans. (Davis 87). Words, then, that the Emperor and his staff had previously used, such as "degenerate nature of man, the great laws of nature, the miseries of human life" break the mold of the Lilliputian world and apply universally to the state of all humans (Davis 90). This short-lived humorous storytelling, offers a glimpse at the ultimate misanthropic messages and subtleties, which underlie the novel.
Indian Boarding School Essay -- essays research papers
"Compressed emotions," that is the explanation a teacher once gave to the ongoing question, "What is poetry?" He said it was someone's deepest emotions, as if you were reading them right out of that person's mind, which in that case would not consist of any words at all. If someone tells you a story, it is usually like a shell. Rarely are all of the deepest and most personal emotions revealed effectively. A poem of that story would be like the inside of the shell. It personifies situations, and symbolizes and compares emotions with other things in life. Louise Erdrich's poem Indian Boarding School puts the emotions of a person or group of people in a setting around a railroad track. The feelings experienced are compared to things from the setting, which takes on human characteristics. Louise Erdrich was born part German, part American Indian. Since the title and other references in the poem refer to Indian people, it is most likely that this poem was very personal to her. The boarding school may have been a real place she went to, or where mistreatment of her people was not uncommon, or it could simply be a tool she used to express racism towards them in general. With that fact, the reader must remember that although the words are from the runaways' point of view, there are not necessarily any real runaways. From the point of view at which this is told, the runaways are eager to find their way home. They do not necessarily really try to runaway, it may just be in their fantasies, "Home's the place we head for in our sleep." (line 1). The first use of personification is in the line, "The rails, old lacerations that we love,"(line 4). It is not yet quite clear why Erdrich would compare the train tracks with old lacerations until the lines, "shoot parallel across the face and break just under the Turtle Mountains." (lines 5-6). Mountains are definite things that are physical in nature. Train tracks on a face are hard to imagine, so it leads us to believe it has some deeper meaning. This reveals that the children want to run away from the boarding school for more serious matters than just good old home-sickness. The "old lacerations" may represent wounds on their own faces, internal or external. Visually, train tracks look like wounds that were stitche d and scarred. The Turtle Mountains must relate ... ...d when it dried. That was the time when they remembered "delicate" injuries. Injuries that a child gets while playing or falling, not from bigotry or violence. Now those things are only memories. It is very likely that Louise Erdrich experienced some kind of racism or prejudice in her lifetime. Segregation laws were still in use while she was growing up in the fifties, and in the sixties, many of the same people still felt racist, with or without the laws. Boarding schools were not an exception to this fact either. School authorities probably did take advantage of the fact that boarding schools are away from home and not under the watchful eye of any parent. This poem demonstrates the truth of what it really felt and feels like to have lived through such bad treatment. It is disturbing to think that instead of just learning at school, Louise Erdrich, amongst other children, may have learned what it felt like to be hated. At such early ages, they taught these children that the way they were treated was how the world was supposed to be. It displays the painful scars embedded so deeply into a child, from a time that should have been the most nurturing part of his/her life. Indian Boarding School Essay -- essays research papers "Compressed emotions," that is the explanation a teacher once gave to the ongoing question, "What is poetry?" He said it was someone's deepest emotions, as if you were reading them right out of that person's mind, which in that case would not consist of any words at all. If someone tells you a story, it is usually like a shell. Rarely are all of the deepest and most personal emotions revealed effectively. A poem of that story would be like the inside of the shell. It personifies situations, and symbolizes and compares emotions with other things in life. Louise Erdrich's poem Indian Boarding School puts the emotions of a person or group of people in a setting around a railroad track. The feelings experienced are compared to things from the setting, which takes on human characteristics. Louise Erdrich was born part German, part American Indian. Since the title and other references in the poem refer to Indian people, it is most likely that this poem was very personal to her. The boarding school may have been a real place she went to, or where mistreatment of her people was not uncommon, or it could simply be a tool she used to express racism towards them in general. With that fact, the reader must remember that although the words are from the runaways' point of view, there are not necessarily any real runaways. From the point of view at which this is told, the runaways are eager to find their way home. They do not necessarily really try to runaway, it may just be in their fantasies, "Home's the place we head for in our sleep." (line 1). The first use of personification is in the line, "The rails, old lacerations that we love,"(line 4). It is not yet quite clear why Erdrich would compare the train tracks with old lacerations until the lines, "shoot parallel across the face and break just under the Turtle Mountains." (lines 5-6). Mountains are definite things that are physical in nature. Train tracks on a face are hard to imagine, so it leads us to believe it has some deeper meaning. This reveals that the children want to run away from the boarding school for more serious matters than just good old home-sickness. The "old lacerations" may represent wounds on their own faces, internal or external. Visually, train tracks look like wounds that were stitche d and scarred. The Turtle Mountains must relate ... ...d when it dried. That was the time when they remembered "delicate" injuries. Injuries that a child gets while playing or falling, not from bigotry or violence. Now those things are only memories. It is very likely that Louise Erdrich experienced some kind of racism or prejudice in her lifetime. Segregation laws were still in use while she was growing up in the fifties, and in the sixties, many of the same people still felt racist, with or without the laws. Boarding schools were not an exception to this fact either. School authorities probably did take advantage of the fact that boarding schools are away from home and not under the watchful eye of any parent. This poem demonstrates the truth of what it really felt and feels like to have lived through such bad treatment. It is disturbing to think that instead of just learning at school, Louise Erdrich, amongst other children, may have learned what it felt like to be hated. At such early ages, they taught these children that the way they were treated was how the world was supposed to be. It displays the painful scars embedded so deeply into a child, from a time that should have been the most nurturing part of his/her life.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Dance Captain
The Dance Captain is a member of the company who maintains the artistic standards of all Choreography and/or musical staging in a production. The Dance Captain shall always work in tandem with the Stage Manager in conveying and maintaining the creative intentions of the production. The Dance Captain is a member of the company who maintains the artistic standards of all choreography and/or musical staging in a production. The Dance Captain shall always work in tandem with the Stage Manager in conveying and maintaining the creative intentions of the Artistic Staff. The Advisory Committee on Chorus Affairs (ACCA), in conjunction with the Dance Captain Subcommittee, is issuing these suggested guidelines to assist the Dance Captains in their assigned position. 1. Maintaining Artistic Standards and Technique of Original Production a. Review musical staging and choreography, give notes and/or schedule brush-up rehearsals (in coordination with the Stage Manager). Maintain all musical staging and choreography in the original style, intent, technique and energy level. (Note: All rehearsals are called by the Stage Manager as per allotted hours set forth in the contract). . Maintain original spacing and positions in musical numbers. c. Make sure condition of stage, rehearsal and/or audition space is safe and suitable for musical staging and/or choreography for rehearsals and performances. d. Within a reasonable period of time after show is set, the Dance Captain shall learn all choreography and musical staging. e. In cases of complaints or differences of opinion between cast members concerning choreography and/or musical staging, the Dance Captain shall make the decision. f. The Dance Captain may not be required to block non-musical scenes. . Responsibilities to Understudies and Swings a. assist the Stage Manager and choreographer, or their assistants, in the assignment of understudies and swings for numbers and important bits of business in musical staging and/or choreography. b. See that understudies and swings are prepared to perform assignments in musical numbers. 3. Responsibilities for Replacements a. Audition replacement Actors in regards to musical staging and/or choreography when required. b. Teach chorus or principal replacements choreography and staging of musical numbers. . Rehearse replacement with cast members involved in musical numbers prior to their first performance. d. Apprise Actors of possible technical problems they may encounter, such as quick change set-ups, involvement with set 1changes or use of props in c oordination and cooperation with Stage Manager. Work environment. Dance is exhausting. In fact, dancers have one of the highest rates of nonfatal on-the-job injury. Many dancers, as a result, stop performing by their late thirties because of the physical demands on the body. Nevertheless, some continue to work in the field as choreographers, artistic directors, and dance teachers and coaches, while a small number may move into administrative positions, such as company managers. A few celebrated dancers, however, continue performing most of their lives. Many dance companies’ tour for part of the year to supplement a limited performance schedule at home. Dancers who perform in musical productions and other family entertainment spend much of their time on the road; others work in nightclubs or on cruise ships. Most dance performances are in the evening, whereas rehearsals and practice usually take place during the day. As a result, dancers often work very long and late hours. Generally, dancers and choreographers work in modern and temperature-controlled facilities; however, some studios may be older and less comfortable. Dancers generally need long-term on-the-job training to be successful. Most dancers begin formal training at an early ageâ€â€between 5 and 15â€â€and many have their first professional audition by age 17 or 18. Some earn a bachelor's degree or attend dance school, although neither is required. Becoming a choreographer usually requires years of experience. Education and training; Training varies with the type of dance and is a continuous part of all dancers' careers. Many believe that dancers should start with a good foundation in classical technique before selecting a particular style. Ballet training for girls usually begins between the ages of 5 to 8 with a private teacher or through an independent ballet school, with more serious training beginning between the ages of 10 and 12. Boys often begin their ballet training between the ages of 10 and 15. Students who demonstrate potential in their early teens may seek out more intensive and advanced professional training. At about this time, students should begin to focus their training on a particular style and decide whether to pursue additional training through a dance company's school or a college dance program. Leading dance school companies often have summer training programs from which they select candidates for admission to their regular full-time training programs. Formal training for modern and culturally specific dances often begins later than training in ballet; however, many folk dance forms are taught to very young children. As a result, a good number of dancers have their first professional auditions by age 17 or 18. A college education is not essential for employment as a professional dancer; however, many dancers obtain degrees in unrelated fields to prepare themselves for careers after dance. The completion of a college program in dance and education is usually essential to qualify to teach dance in college, high school, or elementary school. Colleges and conservatories sometimes require graduate degrees but may accept performance experience. A college background is not necessary for teaching dance or choreography in local recreational programs. Studio schools prefer teachers to have experience as performers. Dancers generally need long-term on-the-job training to be successful. Most dancers begin formal training at an early ageâ€â€between 5 and 15â€â€and many have their first professional audition by age 17 or 18. Some earn a bachelor's degree or attend dance school, although neither is required. Becoming a choreographer usually requires years of experience. There are many advantages to being a dancer a dancer's life is no 9 to 5 job. Some days you may work just three or four hours, and others you will be dancing until the late hours. Your schedule will depend on the type of job you have booked. In between set gigs, you will also be working by attending auditions, as well as participating in workshops to continue learning new dances techniques. Staying In Shape In order to be a successful dancer, your body must be in superb shape. Alternate between different dance styles and stretching routines to tone muscles in all areas of the body. This will keep your body flexible to avoid pulling or spraining joints and muscles. Changing up your routine will also keep it from becoming monotonous, and open you up to new choreographic styles, as well. Being able to work out as a part of your profession will benefit your health even after you retire from the field. Travel Opportunities, Travel is one of the top perks of dance field. Travel allows you to see new places, experience new foods and cultures, and meet interesting new people. Many dance troupes get the chance to travel around the U. S. and even internationally if they are part of a company. Food and lodging are typically covered, so you won't need to cover these sorts of expenses. Working for Yourself; Being a dancer is largely a freelance job, since many dancers work for several companies on a part-time basis. This means that you work when you want to work, and you can take a break when you need to, provided you have the resources to do so. If you prefer to receive a steady paycheck, opening up your own dance studio may be the right path. You can choose the dance style you want to teach, be it ballet, tap, jazz, modern, or even ballroom or hip-hop. You will also be able to select the hours of operation and the method for enrolling students. Opening your own studio will also give you the chance to choreograph your own dance routines and pass the art form down to others to enjoy. In spite of these advantages there are also many challenges to working in the dance industry. Median hourly wages of dancers were $12. 22 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $8. 03 and $18. 82. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $7. 28, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $27. 26. Annual wage data for dancers were not available, because the wide variation in the number of hours worked by dancers and the short-term nature of many jobsâ€â€which may last for 1 day or 1 weekâ€â€make it rare for dancers to have guaranteed employment that exceeds a few months. Median annual wages of salaried choreographers were $38,520 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $25,320 and $55,360. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $17,880, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $67,160. Median annual wages were $37,570 in â€Å"other schools and instruction,†the North American Industry Classification System category that includes dance studios and schools. Dancers who were on tour usually received an additional allowance for room and board, as well as extra compensation for overtime. Earnings from dancing are usually low because employment is irregular. Dancers often supplement their income by working as guest artists with other dance companies, teaching dance, or taking jobs unrelated to the field. Earnings of dancers at some of the largest companies and in commercial settings are governed by union contracts. Some dancers in major opera ballet, classical ballet, and modern dance corps belong to the American Guild of Musical Artists, Inc. of the AFL-CIO; those who appear on live or videotaped television programs belong to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists; those who erform in films and on television belong to the Screen Actors Guild; and those in musical theater are members of the Actors' Equity Association. The unions and producers sign basic agreements specifying minimum salary rates, hours of work, benefits, and other conditions of employment. However, the contract each dancer signs with the producer of the show may be more favorable than the basic agreement. Most salaried dancers and choreographers covered by union contracts receive some paid sick leave and various health and pension benefits, including extended sick pay and family-leave benefits provided by their unions. Employers contribute toward these benefits. Dancers and choreographers not covered by union contracts usually do not enjoy such benefits. I selected this career because I believe that a career as a dance captain can be very challenging and I always ready for new challenges. I am also very concerned about being health and a career as a dancer will allow me to do what I love and keep my body healthy. I find this career to be very enjoyable because of the joy that dance can bring to others and myself and that is why I would like to be a dancer. Dance captain
Monday, September 16, 2019
Conflict Can Have Tragic Consequences for Everyone.
Conflict can have tragic consequences for everyone as the women portrayed in Bereford’s film, Paradise Road, react in a catastrophic manner in the events that lead on as the film progresses. The characters in the film are based on actual people: nurses or wives of major officials and civilians. These women are caught up in the global conflict of World War II and those who manage to survive are, despite any positive outcomes, are dreadfully damaged by their encounter with conflict both physically and emotionally.These moments of great unrest are captured in the film that innocent people are too often becoming caught up in and suffer from the effects of great struggle that are not of their own making. The viewers are powerfully positioned to recognise with the three main protagonists, Adrienne, Margaret and Susan, as they come to a conditions with the cruel and frequently tragic circumstances of their situation. In the film’s opening scene, we observe a sight of the prote cted and usual lives led by women who were fairly unimportant to the conflict of war.Now, plunged into a terrifyingly brutal and unknown world, they come across the tragic consequences of the conflict. On the voyage to the camp, Beresford highlights the ordinary qualities of the women as they move violently to retain their meagre property or endeavour to help each other endure the long walk. Afraid, starving and exhausted, the women are herded like cattle. On their appearance in Sumatra they see the disengaged head of a following prisoner displayed on a pole in the public square.The tragedies that occurred in the prisoners turn out to be a part of their daily lives, as many gave in to the belongings of untreated sickness. The scene with the two children creating simple wooden coffins for dead babies evidently highlights the tragedy of the conflict in the lives of normal people, and suggests that no reason can justify the dreadful consequences of violent conflict. Children are a figu re of innocence in the film. The innocent suffers the most in situations of tremendous conflict.The camp cemetery, with its rows upon rows of white crosses, is exposed as the camera pans across the penal complex compound throughout a performance of the vocal orchestra, enlightening the large numbers of prisoners who died all through the course of their imprisonment. The film also shows how intense conflict situations positions everyday people beneath a strange pressure, provoking and exacerbating conflicts on a private level, both between and within individuals.Stressed, sorrowing and deprived, a number of the women in Paradise Road find themselves positioned in a ethically and politically compromised condition when confronted with the option as to whether to remain at the Japanese ‘officers’ club’, providing sex in return for food and comfort, or to return to the camp. Those who choose to be recognise by the bribe of the officers who are not only prostituting th emselves but are also consorting with the enemy.Likewise, Adrienne was positioned in a compromising situation when she was asked if the orchestra will carry out a Japanese song for Colonel Hirota. She refuses, risking cruel punishment. At the same time, she makes a diverse option, to that of the women of the officers’ club, Beresford emphasises that war, and the struggle for survival, places harshly and unusual stress on individuals, which is able to cause them to act in ways they would not normally behave; as Sister Wilhelmina intelligently acknowledges, it is not fair to judge the events of others in a period of severe disagreement.In conclusion, conflict has the potential to allow an individual the ability to face challenges in order to overcome them and finally to grow as a person. The range of conflicts that acts as a basis towards venous responses ranging from the extreme life changing circumstances to those that are minor, but yet a significant ambition to change. Refe reeing to the film ‘Paradise Road’ we have seen many faces that have been challenged trough out their lives. However the women are able to follow their presence with the determination, courage and peace.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Kuhnian Model
KUHNIAN MODEL According to many science is a steady progression of accrual of new ideas but to Kuhn science was as a result of occasional revolutionary explosions of new knowledge whereby each revolution was triggered by introduction of new ways of thought that were so large that he called them paradigms. These paradigms according to Kuhn were supposed to generally recognize scientific achievements, present model problems and solutions for group of researchers. A paradigm is supposed to describe; * How the outcome of most scientific investigations should be interpreted. * What is to be observed and scrutinized? The kind of questions that are supposed to be asked and probed for answers in relation to this subject. The Kuhnian model consists of five main steps which include: * Prescience- it has no workable paradigm to guide its work successfully. * Normal science- it is a normal step where the field has a scientifically based model of understanding a paradigm that works * Model drift- here the model of understanding starts to drift. This is due to accumulation of anomalies and events the model cannot explain. * Model crisis- the previous step becomes so excessive the model is broken.It can therefore no longer serve as a reliable guide to problem solving. Any attempts to patch the model up to work will fail hence the field is in anguish. * Model revolution-it immediately becomes considerable when serious candidates for a new model emerge; it is referred as a revolution because the new model is so drastically poles apart from the previous one. * Paradigm change-here the field changes from the old to the new paradigm because a new one emerges. This new paradigm then becomes the normal science and the khunian model is complete. HOW IT WORKSThe new fields normally begin in prescience where they have begun to focus on a problem area but are not yet capable of making major advances. Working techniques that later provide a model of understanding eventually works hence t his will put the field in normal science step. In this step it takes longer. As time passes by new questions arise but the current model of understanding cannot answer this puts it in the model drift step. The model crisis step is reached later if the anomalies appear and the model cannot be patched up to explain them unfortunately it tends to fail due to guesswork and intuition.At long last the model revolution begins. It is a revolution because the new model is a new paradigm. It’s radically different from the old paradigm. This makes the believers in both paradigms not to communicate well. The paradigm change step begins when the new paradigm is settled on by a few influential supporters. After field transitions from the old to the new paradigm occur the old paradigm is sufficiently replaced and becomes the field’s new normal science. Guess what happens next? The cycle begins again because our knowledge about the world is never complete. References The structure of Scientific Revolutions- Thomas. S. Kuhn
Saturday, September 14, 2019
United States Bill of Rights and American Sporting Tradition
Gun Control Gun control would not help crime or murder rates because instead it disarms the law abiding citizens, therefore putting them at a disadvantage in defending there selves against criminals. The second amendment states that citizens have the right to bear arms. Guns have also been an American sporting tradition for years, and have saved many lives from rapist, murders and innocent civilians from the hands of criminals. The second amendment is part of the constitution and is something that should never be taken away, and can’t be taken away.The amendment says that â€Å"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. †The first 10 amendments to our Constitution protect our most basic rights from being stripped away by an overly zealous government, including rights that all Americans hold dear. The United States Bill of Rights plays a central role in American law an d government, and remains a fundamental symbol of the freedoms and culture of the nation.One of the original fourteen copies of the U. S. Bill of Rights is on public display at the National Archives in Washington, D. C. This amendment and right give us the citizens a chance to defend ourselves from danger from not only criminals but also a foreign attack. A shooting sport is a competitive sport involving tests of proficiency (accuracy and speed) using various types of guns such as firearms and air guns. Hunting is also a shooting sport, and indeed shooting live pigeons was an Olympic event only once, in 1900.The shooting sports are categorized by the type of firearm, target and distances at which targets are shot at. Shooting sports have been a part of the Games since Baron Pierre de Coubertin brought us the first modern Olympiad in 1896. It was one of the first nine events held at the first Olympic Games along with track and field, Cycling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, We ightlifting, and Wrestling. Guns have been a huge part of American history since the Olympics started in 1896.Guns have been used for many years not only to defend our country but also defend ourselves in the event of being attacked by a criminal. If the availability of guns is the major reason for the murder of people, why isn’t it that when the rate of gun sales go up the murder rate doesn’t go up as well? The answer is simple guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Imagine if the 10,000+ victims had guns of their own. That statistic could have shockingly stayed the same, just with different victims: the criminals.Americans tend to believe that guns are easily obtained, when in reality federals laws already passed make it impossible for criminals to legally obtain a weapon. Gun sales have gone through the roof since president Obama took office yet in terms of violent crime, the United States is safer today than it was 20 years ago. Violent crimes will cont inue to exist with or without stricter gun control. Guns will always be obtained by criminals if they want to get their hands on one, and making stricter gun control laws will only make civilians defenseless against these criminals.Taking the right to bear arms away will not save lives it will only cause more violence and since criminals don't follow the laws in the first place more laws would only hinder law abiding people not the criminals; they will still get any type of gun they want because the all mighty dollar is king. Even if we outlawed all guns criminals would still have them smuggled into the country just like drugs. The only thing that would accomplish would be law abiding people would be defenseless and the criminals would rule.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Reading Prompt 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reading Prompt 1 - Essay Example company provides â€Å"skilled nursing; physical, occupational, speech and neuro-rehabilitation services; hospice services; social work; nutrition; disease management education, help with daily living activities; and other therapies and services†(United States Securities and Exchange Commission, n.d.). Gentiva serves individuals either in their home or in a hospice facility. While offering this service throughout parts of the United States, provisions of social, emotional and spiritual treatment are made to maintain the individual’s health and dignity. While providing home fitness and hospital services to the people, the company no longer provides some services to many of their patients, for the business objectives of Gentiva are changing towards home care services, which have a higher potential of growth. In 2011 several sales and purchases were made, one of them being Rehab Without Walls, a homemaker services agency based in Illinois. The Company also purchased Odyssey Health Care, giving it 100% ownership to outstanding member units based in Augusta (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, n.d.). Odyssey Health Care, Inc. was established in 1995, and, after being purchased by Gentiva, grew very quickly. While this establishment is based in Dallas, Texas, it is considered one of the largest sources of hospice providers in the United States. According to its 2010 financial statement, Odyssey had a net income of $686,438 million dollars while Gentiva’s net revenues constituted $1,152,460 million dollars. The profit generated by the hospital was 396,774 million dollars, which is almost a half of what was generated by Gentiva, that is, $598,930 million dollars. During the merger with Odyssey, Gentiva paid $27 for each share that had been issued. In Arizona, California, Ohio and Texas, Odyssey has the greatest number of facilities and makes available every opportunity to it patients in their care. They satisfy all their needs including
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Roles of a Project Manager Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Roles of a Project Manager - Research Paper Example he processes involved in serving the demands of the client as well as the executive management, while at the same time remaining within the confines of the schedule and the budget. The roles of the project manager include leading the team, bridging the relations between the client and management and pushing for the needs of the client, among others. The checks made to guarantee the success of the project include reviewing the expectations of the client extensively and exploring vital project issues. Within the settings of a clinical research organization, a project refers to a distinctive clinical trial. The project is required to have a specific start and completion date (Roy 57). The team working on the project operates within a setting similar to a matrix reporting ground, towards guaranteeing that the tasks to be completed during the progress of the project are realized and that they are performed in a manner that meets or exceeds the expectations of the customer (Roy 57). The team uses project management systems, during the execution of the managerial role, towards ensuring that the different members work in harmony, so as to realize the goals of the project (Boericke 1). As applied in the CRO settings, project management reefers to the application of skills, knowledge, techniques and tools to the execution of the project, so as to meet or supersede the outcomes anticipated (Roy 58). This paper will explore the roles of a project manager, within a CRO setting, towards demo nstrating that they are the most important link between the client and the team; they are the managers of changes within the project and they also act as the advocate of the client (Shostak 9). In the settings of a Contract Research Organization, the boundaries of project management can be expressed as contained within the following definitions: delighting the customer, offering support to the team in charge of the team and delighting the executive management of the CRO organization
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Individual Assignment #2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Individual Assignment #2 - Case Study Example The amount of money saved can then be used to increase speed and precision of product development. Through the company’s strong marketing, it can develop its products globally while reducing cost. A company can reduce the cost and at the same time develop products by using recyclable materials. Relocating of the company’s production plants to low-cost countries will help it reduce the cost, increase speed and precision of product development (Hunger, & Bamford, PP. 35-40). AB Electrolux focuses to relocate its proactive activities to low cost production areas such as China. The company can compete with local Chinese consumer manufacturers in the following ways. First the company is able to offer consumers with quality low cost vacuum cleaners, making it to be very competitive. In addition, the company has ability to use door-to-door sales strategy that will help AB Electrolux outdo Chinese consumer manufactures as this method will help increase sales. Consumers prefer a one to one relationship with companies and therefore AB Electrolux should implement personal contact with consumers. Due to increase in technology, the company should utilize e marketing to promote sales of their commodities and cope with competition. Apart from marketing, the internet also gives price awareness to consumers. The company can also reduce prices of products in Chinese consumer manufacturers dominated areas to increase sales thereby improving their competition (Hunger, & Bamford, PP. 36-42). The company should produce their products that are heavy and bulky near the end users to save cost of shipping and at the same time maintain their premium brand and prices. The company should invest in attractive markets where demand is high as well as income of individuals to be able to maintain premium prices. Ensuring products meet consumer needs will help maintain premium
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Speech - Essay Example It is the character that made mother Teresa famous during her time and even many years after she died. She left a mark that has not faded. Nobody has been equated to her, and she is the reason as to why her life is celebrated by all people who appreciate helping others. There are many worshipers and followers of Christ in the world. However, not many are remembered for their faith. Mother Teresa stands as a beacon of light since all her deeds were Godly. She has not been associated with any sin, and no critics have been raised against her. She was able to live a humble life and help other people despite not being rich. Her message was proclaimed through her actions unlike most believers who do it by word of mouth. She always emphasized that rich and poor are equal, and they all deserve attention and help. She always taught people around her how to love and care for the needy. â€Å"Love is not measurable by money or anything material†was her main message each time she spoke to people (Spink 198). Accomplishing her mission was not easy. She was subject to criticism and struggles were her way of life. The unsupportive society did not stop her from achieving what she was destined to achieve. She was not discriminative, and she believed that offering a helping hand what her main reason for living. It is surprising that she loved all the people that she came across. She would not take a meal while someone within her proximity slept hungry. Her firm foundation in faith and love kept her sailing and rising above the odds. Despite being a Christian, she helped everyone regardless of their religion, beliefs or race. She always said that judging other people formed a barrier to extending support. She offered her help to anyone who needed it. She was not rich and did not have enough support for all people. However, she ensured that the people she encountered felt loved and
Monday, September 9, 2019
Memphis City school system & Shelby county school system a Term Paper
Memphis City school system & Shelby county school system a consolidated school system for or aganist - Term Paper Example School consolidation has been visualized as a means to resolve various rural issues. However, the application of this concept has also resulted in many potential complications along with solving issues, as discussed in this paper. Public perception of consolidation: Early educationalists, policy makers and reformers consented that unionization of schools was the fundamental requirement of the industrialized society. Their mutual consensus led them to speak in favor of the formulation of a centralized and increasingly urban educational model (Kay, Hargood, and Russell, 1982). However, not many parents in the present age favor the practice. This is because they want their children to be given due attention by the mentors, and want the educational environment to be conducive for good learning and academic growth of the children. My personal perception of consolidation: I personally am against the consolidated school system as it adversely affects the educational system and the learnersà ¢â‚¬â„¢ tendency to gain knowledge. People today are highly conscious and possessive about the quality of education their children are provided with in schools. Consolidated school systems crowd the classes with students. ... People generally hold a view that if the charter gets surrendered, it would consolidate Memphis City School and Shelby County School into one unit. Shelby County School has been running a successful academic record and has been managing and administering its system rationally. On the other hand, the Memphis City School is currently going through a crisis. Memphians have to pay a lot of tax, and the record is not up to the mark. The following SWOT analysis depicts the potential consequences of this consolidation. SWOT analysis of the consolidated school system: Strengths: Memphians may see a relief from the double taxation, who have to pay the taxes first for the county and secondly for the city. The City would find a relief from the payment for Memphis City School. MCS would hence, be able to save $78 million every year (Memphis, 2011). Weaknesses: MCS has a poorer record as compared to SCS. It might have to compromise upon many decisions that SCS would propose because of its inferio rity. There is likelihood of emotional distress in the Memphis students because of this union. Opportunity: Memphis schoolchildren would have equal opportunity of education as enjoyed by other schoolchildren that live in suburbs. The kids will have facilities as per their individualistic needs irrespective of their place in city or the county. The consolidation would keep the Shelby County School from acquiring the district status of a special school. If SCS acquires that status, it would separate the Memphis students from those in the suburbs and also, reduce tax base for the Memphis City School, which would potentially raise the tax for taxpayers in Memphis. The consolidation would prevent that from happening. Threats: There is an increased likelihood of frequent encounters
Convince a client to visit a particular travel destination Essay
Convince a client to visit a particular travel destination - Essay Example ng from the travel and stay of non-residents, in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected to any earning activity†(Cruz, 2006). Few of the major factors that can help in deciding the travel location are the purpose of the visit and the cash available to finance the visit. There are many different places within the world that can provide greatest entertainment along with perfect leisure time but the best place that provides both along with the greatest value of money is Dubai. It is also considered to be a business hub; hence many people also consider it to be a business spot. Dubai has expanded at a rapid rate over the last decade or so. The city has gained significant importance since the last decade. This is because of the increased developmental projects within the city. The city has expanded and blossomed quickly and it has recently caught the eye of a large chunk of tourists from around the globe. The city is not big and hence it can be really good for a short visit as a tourist would be able to witness the entire city within a very short span of time. The city offers a mix of different tour spots. From the sand dunes and the desert to the lively beaches, the city offers a mix two different experiences. The city is well renowned for the â€Å"Burj Khalifa†, the tallest building in the world. The skyscraper offers an imminent view of the entire city from the 124th floor. It is considered to be the 2nd highest viewing spot within the world. The viewing spot is also equipped with a telescope which helps the visitors in viewing live locations. Although the observation deck is closed for public, but there are strong rumors that it would be re-opened by the 14th of Feb, 2012. The city is also known for its Desert Safari. Tourists have to book the Safari tour and they are picked up from their respective hotels in the morning. Then the tourists are given a sensational ride through the deserts in the outskirts of the city, these
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The Case of the Off-Rhythm Bongo Player Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Case of the Off-Rhythm Bongo Player - Essay Example As explained by Jason Bardi reports from the Scripps Institute, "calcium is a second messenger and regulates many different intracellular processes, including gene expression within cells." (Bardi, 2004) and "the transfer or spread of this excitability to a neuronal network, manifested as electro-graphic and clinical seizures, occurs via synaptic transmission." (Wellmer J, Su H, Beck H, Yaari Y and Eur J Neurosci, 2002) The effect on ion channels and effect on threshold are distinctive in the sense that "native calcium channels have been classified by both their electrophysiological and pharmacological properties and are generally divided into low-threshold (T-types) and high threshold (L-, N-, P/Q- and R-types). The L-, N-, P/Q- and R-type channels typically activate at membrane potentials near -30 mV and display diverse kinetic, voltage-dependent and pharmacological properties.1 The availability of specific pharmacological agents targeting the high threshold channels has permitted elucidation of many of their physiological functions. The T-type calcium channels describe a class of molecules that transiently activate at relatively negative potentials (-60 mV) and for which a general lack of high-affinity selective blockers has made their exact physiological contributions lag behind those of the high-voltage activated isoforms" (Snutch, 2005) The effect on Bado's muscles including the aching, twitching and tingling fingers is based on how the calcium mediates constriction and relaxation of blood vessels. This includes those excitable cells which controls the nerve impulses like those occurring in his twitching fingers. More definitively explained by Jane Higdon of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon University, calcium plays a role in mediating the constriction and relaxation of blood vessels (vasoconstriction and vasodilation), nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and the secretion of hormones, such as insulin. Excitable cells, such as skeletal muscle and nerve cells, contain voltage-dependent calcium channels in their cell membranes that allow for rapid changes in calcium concentrations. For example, when a muscle fiber receives a nerve impulse that stimulates it to contract, calcium channels in the cell membrane open to allow a few calcium ions into the muscle cell. These calcium ions bind to activator proteins within the cell that release a flood of calcium ions from storage vesicles inside the cell. The binding of calcium to the protein, troponin-c, initiates a series of steps that lead to muscle contraction. The binding of calcium to the protein, calmodulin, activates enzymes that breakdown muscle glycogen to provide energy for muscle contraction. (Higdon, 2003) As explained in the following afflictions, cell excitability and effects on the skeletal muscle are discussed: a) Hyperkalemia: "In acute hyperkalemia, the ratio of intracellular to extracellular K+ is decreased. The gap between the resting membrane potential to the excitability threshold is decreased and the nerve conduction is initiated more easily. If this continues it progresses to weakness of muscles. Gradual hyperkalemia, as in
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Ethics system table Essay Example for Free
Ethics system table Essay This ethics is also referred to as teleological ethics. This refers to the end results or the outcomes of certain decisions. The acts determine what is ethical. What is viewed to be ethical is the action most likely to result to in the best good or the action with the most significance. This action usually gives the best consequence. Rights-Based Ethics This is the ethics that outlines the privileges that an individual is entitled to. This is based on the ground of categorical imperative which views a person as a moral agent in relation to other people. The rights are treated to be true and correct as they are approved by many people. However, it is difficult to determine which rights should be approved and which ones should be discarded. Human Nature Ethics Also referred to as humanistic ethics. These ethics emphasis on doing what is right and best for the society as a whole. This ethic which mainly dominates ethical theory is a more clearly altruistic. The ethics aims at virtue as well as having social improvement rather than having personal success. The ethics is concerned about everybody in the society. People should not be afraid to lend a helping hand or to receive one Relativistic Ethics This ethics is viewed as an inquiry to what is right or wrong through a critical review of the people’s beliefs and practices. The ethic however fails to recognize that some societies have better reasons of holding tom their views than others. The ethic raises important issues in that different cultural societies have different beliefs and are greatly influenced by culture. The ethics challenges people to explore on the belief systems that differ their own and to find an explanation why people hold their belief system. Entitlement-Based Ethics This is an ethic that views that you owe me because its my right to have everything that you have. Virtue-Based ethical This ethic places less emphasis on the rules that people should follow and instead tries to find of teaching people good virtues such as generosity and kindness. These traits later help the person to make better decisions in life. They also emphasis that people should know how to avoid bad virtues such as greed and hatred. These are viewed as hindrances of becoming a good person. Ethical Theory or System Brief Definition Other Names for Theory Real-world Example Workplace Example Duty-based Ethics Regardless of consequences, certain moral principles are binding, focusing on duty rather than results or moral obligation over what the individual would prefer to do (Trevino and Nelson, 2007, Ch. 4). Deontology, pluralism, moral rights, rights-based Categorical imperative Golden rule I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is the right thing to do. It is my duty to follow through with instructions my boss gives me, even if I do not agree with the concept. It is my moral obligation to respect authority figures. Consequence-based Ethics What is viewed to be ethical is the action most likely to result to in the best good or the action with the most significance. teleological ethics I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is good for one’s health. We ignore the consequence of telling the truth to the police as it may lead to the imprisonment and detention of another person. Rights-based Ethics the privileges that an individual is entitled to Society norms I believe people should be able to eat sand if they want to because they are free to make the decision themselves. In America it is so clear on the right of the people to choose their faith; therefore people in the USA have a right to choose their religion. Human Nature Ethics emphasis on doing what ibis right and best for the society as a whole Humanistic ethics. I believe that if sand is going to be eaten, it should be available for everyone to eat. In an organization people should encourage teamwork as much as possible in order for it to run successfully. Relativistic Ethics Viewed as an inquiry to what is right or wrong through a critical review of the people’s beliefs and practices. Ethnocentric ethic I believe I will eat sand because it is the standard meal for my community. Every organization should be viewed as unique and different from others as it has its own practices and code of conduct. Entitlement-based Ethics Views that you owe me because its my right to have everything that you have. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they decide they want to, regardless of whether it is someone else’s sand. A person may claim to be paid his salary by the company at the end of the month. Virtue-based ethics places less emphasis on the rules that people should follow and instead tries to find of teaching people good virtues such as generosity and kindness Character based ethic I believe people should be able to eat sand if they like the taste of it. The organization should teach people what is right or wrong and leave them to make good decisions later. Reference Trevino, L. , and Nelson, K. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. Hoboken: Wiley.
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